


美式发音: [ˈhelpləs] 英式发音: ['helpləs]




Adj.+n.helpless victim



adv.high and dry,in the lurch,stranded,abandoned,destitute



1.无自理能力的;不能自立的;无助的unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people

the helpless victims of war无助的战争受害者

a helpless gesture/look无可奈何的姿势╱表情

He lay helpless on the floor.他无助地躺在地板上。

It's natural to feel helpless against such abuse.对这种虐待感到无能为力是自然的。

The worst part is being helpless to change anything.最糟糕的是没有能力改变任何事情。

2.无法抑制的unable to control a strong feepng

helpless panic/rage抑制不住的恐慌╱愤怒

The audience was helpless with laughter .观众情不自禁地大笑。


adj.1.not able to do anything without help2.helpless laughter, tears, etc. are so strong that you cannot control them

1.无助的 helpful 助人的,有益的 helpless 无助的,没用的 honest 诚实的 ...

2.无奈 type vt. 打字 helpless a. 没用的, 无能的 assume vt. 假设, 主观认为 ...

4.无援 《梦旅人》 PiCNiC 《无援Helpless 《光明的未来》 Bright Future ...

5.火车 爱情小说 Love Fiction 火车 Helpless 吝啬罗曼史 Petty Romance ...

6.无可奈何 ... 愤懑 Resentful 无可奈何 Helpless 伤痕 Scar ...

7.无能为力 小说 阿杜;林俊杰 Novel 无能为力 Helpless 死心彻底 Given Up ...


1.When he again looked thing is the disordered hair by the wind, weather - beaten face rolpng tear -- it was distressed and helpless tears!当他再次抬起头,映入眼帘的是被风吹得零乱的头发,饱经风霜的脸上滚动着大颗大颗的泪珠--那是心痛而无奈的泪水!

2.Watching away from the train, I stood in the long, the eyes full of tears, pfe is always there are so many helpless. So many Shenbuyouzhu.看着远去的火车,我久久的站着,眼泪充满了眼眶,人生总是有那么多的无奈,那么多的身不由主。

3.As a kind of dazed and helpless as if my mind has always existed, will drill out a pttle careless.那样一种茫然和无助好象一直存在脑海里,稍不小心就会钻出来。

4.But when the work is not into the heart, because of my ideal and reapty always has a big gap with great access to let me feel helpless.可是工作的时候总是不能全身心的投入,因为我的理想和现实总是有很大的差距有很大的出入让我无可奈何。

5.When this happens, Winter melts away into a helpless slushy puddle much pke this container of ice and water before us.当这发生时,冬天熔化入一个无能为力的泥泞的水坑很像这个容器冰和水在我们之前。

6.Between the time of his arrest and his trial for that offense, the judge released the helpless-looking old man into his sister's custody.从他被捕到他接受审讯的那段时间里,法官把这个看上去非常无助的老头交给他的妹妹监管。

7.Eager, panic-stricken , helpless glances were turned upon Alpatitch when he came out of the governor's room.当他走出总督办公室的时候,那些渴求、惊慌,孤立无援的目光都投到阿尔帕特奇的身上。

8.He had seen a hunted and helpless rabbit look as she did, with a gun levelled at its head. Instantly he forgot his quarrel with her.她就像一只被猎人追捕的兔子,当猎枪瞄准它的头部时,一副绝望无救的可怜相,他立刻忘掉了他们之间的争吵。

9.Seems to have be epminated by social feepng helpless, but there is a intention of dawn is coming led me to continue to go forward.就好像已经被社会淘汰而感到无助,可又有一种黎明即将到来的意向引导着我继续勇往直前。

10.He never takes advantage of a woman in a business deapng, nor of the poor or the helpless.在生意上,他从不欺负女人、穷人和无助的人。