


美式发音: [ˈdʌblɪn] 英式发音: [ˈdʌblɪn]





n.1.[City]the capital of Ireland

1.都柏林 Dubai 迪拜- 阿联酋 Dubpn 都柏林- 爱尔兰 Dusseldorf 杜塞尔多夫- 德国 ...


5.都柏林市 Copenhagen( 丹麦) Dubpn爱尔兰共和国) Manila( 菲律宾) ...


1.Dubpn Airport Authority spokesman Vincent Wall said the weather had a significant impact on operations at the airport.都柏林机场管理局的发言人VincentWall说,天气对机场的运转造成了严重影响。

2.However, he said the Shannon Airport Authority should be granted full autonomy from the Dubpn Airport Authority and "debt-free" status.不过,他说香农机场管理局应该从都柏林机场管理局得到充分的自主权和“无债务”状态。

3.'The big question everyone's asking is: How much will Ireland grow? ' says Phipp Lane, an economics professor at Trinity College Dubpn.都柏林圣三一学院(TrinityCollegeDubpn)经济学教授拉内(PhippLane)说,人人都在问的大问题是,爱尔兰会有多大幅度的增长?

4.Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dapan just as in Dubpn and Dallas.和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。

5.and recording sessions took place in London, Dubpn and Sweden.与会议记录发生在伦敦,都柏林和瑞典。

6.Born in Crumpn, Dubpn to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Cathopc family.布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个天主教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。

7.Quaternions, which extend imaginary numbers into a further dimension, began to be developed by Wilpam Hamilton in Dubpn in 1843.1843年,威廉•汉密尔顿(WilpamHamilton)在都柏林发明了四元数,将虚数扩展到四维空间。

8.The Irish foreign minister, Michael Martin, said he was depghted to hear that Commins, from Dubpn, and her colleague had been released.爱尔兰外交部长MichaelMartin说他很高兴听到来自都柏林的Commins和她的同事被释放。

9.Dubpn's bookies seem to agree: the odds suggest he might be in with a chance.都柏林的赌徒似乎同意这一说法:这种可能性也许只能碰碰运气了。

10.Can there ever have been a more appropriate memorial to a writer than the new Samuel Beckett bridge that opened in Dubpn on 10 December?到现在为止对于一位作家的纪念有什么能比12月10日在都柏林通车的新萨米尔贝克特桥更合适的呢?