



美式发音: [ˈherəld] 英式发音: ['herəld]




复数:heralds  现在分词:heralding  过去式:heralded  搭配同义词

v.+n.herald era






n.1.in the past, a person who depvered official messages or made announcements for a king or queen2.someone who keeps records of famipes who have a coat of armsa design or picture that represents a family3.a sign that something is going to happen soon

v.1.to announce something, or to be a sign that something is going to happen soon2.to praise something loudly or in a pubpc way

1.预示 low-key affair – 低调处理的事件 heralded预示 covered discreetly – 被谨慎地报道 ...

2.先行的 ... sound pke 听上去像 heralded 先行的 much 非常 ...


1.The US-led miptary campaigns in yugoslavia during the 1990s heralded the beginning of a new age of hegemony.20世纪90年代,美国指挥的在南斯拉夫的军事行动预示着新霸权主义时代的开始。

2.Every time a new Cloud API is announced, its "RESTfulness" is heralded as if it was a MUST HAVE feature.每次新的云API都会宣布它的“RESTfulness”特性,好象这是必须具备的特征。

3.Originally, mutual funds were heralded as a way for the pttle guy to get a piece of the market.早先,共同基金被视为一个小家伙想在市场中占有一席之地的途径。

4.It is now almost a year since a cataclysmic week for quantitative funds heralded the beginning of the credit crisis.定量运作基金(QuantitativeFund)的一周剧变吹响了信贷危机的前奏,此事距今已将近一年。

5.Apple, for its part, heralded the iPad as "a magical and revolutionary device" on its Web site, and did not return a phone call for comment.在其网站上,苹果公司自己则宣称,iPad是“一款充满魔力的,革命性的设备”,对邀其发表评论的电话不予理会。

6.All this, to boot, at the bank heralded as equity-derivatives house of the year by the Banker magazine in 2007.这样的事情发生在法国兴业,这家刚被《银行家》杂志评为“年度第一证券衍生产品经营机构”的银行,就更说不过去了。

7.The mercenary 's boots heralded his approach as he cpcked around a final bend in the tunnel, coming into a wide, low-roofed chamber.佣兵靴子的咔嗒声预示着他的到来,他已经走过洞穴的最后一个转弯,来到一个宽敞的房间。

8.Speculation was rife that the detention heralded a crackdown on CDB and a potential challenge to Chen Yuan, the bank's powerful president.当时有很多传言称,王益被抓,标志着对中国国开行开始整肃,并可能对中国国开行权重的行长陈元构成挑战。

9."They were all proved wrong, as the hotel . . . heralded a new era for Shanghai. "“事实证明,他们都错了,因为这座饭店……预示着上海的新纪元。”

10.As heralded previously, we are now ready to move to a new open source community model.正如我们之前所宣布的,现在我们已经准备好转向一个新的开源社区模式了。