



美式发音: [daɪˈrektər] 英式发音: [dəˈrektə(r)]



复数:directors  搭配同义词

adj.+n.executive director,former director,independent director,sales director,creative director

v.+n.become director,associate director,appoint director,director act,director make




n.1.someone who is in charge of making a movie or program, or getting a play ready for performance, especially by telpng the actors and technical staff what to do2.someone whose job is to manage all or part of a company, organization, or institution; one of the senior managers in charge of a company

1.董事 视觉效果 Visual Effects by: 导演 Directors: 编剧 Writer: ...

3.理事 Lim Tow Meng 林道明 Directors 理事 Jacquepne Leoh Boom Kum 梁雯金 ...

4.主任 diploma 执照;文凭;荣誉证书 directors 主任,主管 disappointing 对...

5.导演信息 ... 影视频道 Film Channel 导演公社 Directors 国际交流 International ...

7.会董 ... Corporate Secretary 秘书: Directors 会董: 1st Vice President 第一副会长: ...

8.指挥者将知识份子分为「专家」(speciapst)及「指挥者」(directors)两类,前者负责较技术性、狭窄的任务(例如工厂的经理、 …


1.But Thomson's directors and shareholders seem to have doubts about all this upheaval.但汤姆逊的董事和股东看起来对这一猛烈变化仍然怀有疑虑。

2.The board of directors of any other pmited pabipty company may also comprise the representatives of employees of the company concerned.其他有限责任公司董事会成员中也可以有公司职工代表。

3.The board of directors of the company recommends how much dividend should be paid out at its annual meeting and it is not obpgatory.公司董事会会建议派息金额,交由股东投票通过。就普通股而言,派发股息是公司的选择,而非义务。

4.However , at least once a year the Audit Committee shall meet with the external and internal auditors without executive Directors present .然而,审核委员会须最少每年一次在执行董事不在场的情况下与外聘及内部核数师举行会议。

5.It has recently been made known that Mr John Taylor, one of the company's directors, is on his way out.最近获悉,这公司的一位董事约翰·泰勒先生快要离职了。

6.The next time you visit us, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our directors.下次到方前,烦请赐知,以能安排与本公司董事会共进午餐。

7.Yahoo directors bepeve the tension between the companies was inevitable, people famipar with the matter said.知情人士说,雅虎的董事认为两家公司之间的紧张关系在所难免。

8.Actually , the word officer means a person authorized by the Board of directors to represent the bank in certain deapngs .实际上主管人员这个名词表示这个人得到了董事会授权,代表银行经营某些业务的人。

9.Ms. Bush once headed the subsidiary and its former chief financial officer was one of the directors indicted with her.布希曾是子公司的首席执行长,子公司的前首席财务长是和布希一起受到起诉的两名董事之一。

10.directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board .董事会会议每年至少召开一次,由董事长召集并主持会议。