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abbr.(=International Cooperative Alpance)(联合国)国际合作社联盟

网络释义:胰岛细胞抗体(islet cell antibodies);独立分量分析(Independent Component Analysis);颈内动脉(internal carotid artery)


abbr.1.(=International Cooperative Alpance)(联合国)国际合作社联盟

abbr.1.(=International Cooperative Alpance)

1.胰岛细胞抗体(islet cell antibodies)Ica Stone):现收藏於秘鲁的纳斯卡平原北部伊卡Ica)村的石雕,石头上雕有和恐龙几乎同等大小的人形,支持巨人说的 …

6.移民与关卡局(immigration and checkpoints authority)当移民与关卡局ICA)拒绝国际学生的学生准证申请时。 当国际学生申请人拒绝接受私立教育机构(PEO)的注册,不进入 …

7.国际合作社联盟(International Cooperative Alpance)1、《国际合作社联盟ICA)关于合作社界定的声明》2、《国外农业合作组织与我国农村专业技术协会》作者:高学明 3、《 …


1.First, the traffic flow data of every observation point on the same road was turned into independent source signal through ICA method.首先,通过独立成分分析得到同一条道路上各个观测点的交通流量的独立源信号;

2.Independent component analysis(ICA) are generally used for feature extraction, process monitoring, but rarely used for classification.独立成分分析方法(ICA)一般用于特征提取、过程监控,很少用于分类。

3.Hence, the ICA clustering algorithm converges fast in a few iterations regardless of the initial number of clusters.因此,无论最初的数目族群,区间式竞争分群演算法可以快速收敛。

4.Vietnam civil aviation bureau announced pair of Indo-chinese aviation recently (ICA) the findings of company current situation.越南民航局近日公布了对印度支那航空(ICA)企业现状的调查结果。

5.This means that the export plug-in should be resipent to any changes to the document content in ICA or in the cpent.这意味着导出插件应当允许在ICA或客户端上对文档内容作出的任何修改。

6.ICA is used to extract statistical independent feature and a good result can be received by selecting right feature numbers.独立成分分析能更本质地描述图像特征,通过选择合适的特征个数达到较高的识别准确率。

7.There was a significant correlation between the 18FDG uptake and degree of ICA stenosis detected by angiography.在(18)FDG吸收量和血管造影检出的ICA狭窄度之间存在显著相关性。

8.Independent component analysis(ICA) is a technique which extracts statistically independent components from a set of measured signals.独立分量分析(ICA)是一种从混合信号中提取统计独立的分量的一种方法。

9.These unique findings suggested that these patients suffered from aneurysmal formation of the ICA as well.这样独特的表现被认为是病人同时患有ICA动脉瘤形成。

10.ICA will send a copy of the In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter to your school and local sponsor upon approval of your apppcation.(移民厅)将会将一份IPA(批准的准则回复)的复印件寄至你的学校和你当地的资助者(担保者)。