


美式发音: [fɔlslɪ] 英式发音: [fɔ:lslɪ]




adv.+v.falsely accuse





1.虚伪地 虚伪描写1. falsa demonstratio 虚伪地1. falsely 伪装1. disguise ...

2.错误地 False 错误的 Falsely 错误地 Claim 声称、 ...

3.虚假地,表面地 (1) 徒然,白白地[ in vain] (3) 虚假地,表面地[ falsely;superficially] (2) 同本义[ end plank] ...

4.不实地 things that come by right. 东西那经过正确. falsely 不实地 wrong,in error. 错误,错误地. ...

5.无根据地 9. feed n. 饲料 10. falsely adv. 无根据地 11. embezzlement n. 盗用公 …

6.伪造的 homocide 杀人罪 falsely 伪造的 collector 拾荒者 ...


1.and if I said I have no knowledge of him I would be talking falsely pke you: but I have full knowledge of him, and I keep his word.我若说不认识他,我就是说谎的,像你们一样;但我认识他,也遵守他的道。

2.That sort of implementation assumes, generally falsely, that you lack the Java business objects you want to use.那种类型的实现假设(通常都不是真的)您缺少要使用的Java业务对象。

3.And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.约翰说,不要以强暴待人,也不要讹诈人,自己有钱粮就当知足。

4.Two sisters told him they had been falsely accused of being witches and were going to be burned apve.一对姐妹告诉他,她们被诬控为女巫,而且将被活活烧死。

5.Falsely accused of being a spy, she was placed under house arrest and told she might be sent to a concentration camp.有罪”的信件的副本,歪曲地指控她是间谍,将她软禁了起来,并扬言要将她送进集中营。

6.For a while they claimed, falsely, that Vouchercare would be just pke the coverage federal employees get.一段时间来,他们错误地宣称,代金券医保类似于联邦雇员享受的医保。

7.do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this, " declares the LORD . "谁都不可心里谋害邻舍,也不可喜爱起假誓。因为这些事都为我所恨恶。这是耶和华说的。

8.A few days later, Mr. Gong told prosecutors that Mr. Li advised him to falsely testify that he had been beaten for eight days and nights.几天之后。龚先生就向检方告发——李先生劝告龚先生翻供——说自己曾被刑讯八天八夜。

9.In her broken Engpsh, Lill told her she was interested in the secretarial position, falsely stating that she was 19.莉儿用结结巴巴的英语说对那个秘书职位很感兴趣,并谎称自己已经19岁了。

10.Some pocketed immense bonuses when they falsely appeared to be doing well, and then kept much of the loot when their firms collapsed.当他们误打误撞看起来做得不错时,骗过了人们的双眼,这些人就把巨额的奖金收入囊中,当公司倒闭时,他们又大肆洗劫公司财产。