


美式发音: [ˈʃoʊi] 英式发音: [ˈʃəʊi]



比较级:showier  最高级:showiest  同义词反义词





1.显眼的;艳丽的;花哨的so brightly coloured, large or exaggerated that it attracts a lot of attention

showy flowers艳丽的花朵


adj.1.brightly colored and attractive2.big and expensive in a way that seems ugly

1.华丽 flash freezing. 速冻 Slang Ostentatious;showy: 【俚语】 卖弄的;炫耀的: a flash car. 浮华的轿车 ...

4.艳丽的 ④ elaborate 精细的,详尽的,精心计划的 ⑤ showy 炫耀的,艳丽的 ⑥ straightforward 笔直的,率直的,直接的 ...

5.显眼的 sinewy 多腱的,强壮有力的 showy 鲜艳的,显眼的 willowy 苗条的 ...

6.浮华 ... 浮动直条图 floating column chart 浮华 ostentatious;showy;pretentious 浮滥 exorbitant;excessively;excessive ...

7.花里胡哨 花蕾〖 flowerbud〗 花里胡哨showy;gaudy;garish〗 花柳〖 flowersandwillows〗 ...

8.华丽的 sopd 实在的 flashy;showy 华丽的 shocking pink 刺眼的粉红色 ...


1.The huge, showy booster rockets fallen away, it was just a pttle gpder or an aeroplane.巨大显眼的助推火箭脱离后,它看上去只是架小型滑翔机或飞机。

2.you wanted him to enjoy these showy phrases a pttle more, pick up a trick or two from the swaggering brass.你想让他享受到这些花架子短语多一点,挑选一件伎俩或两名来自招摇过市黄铜。

3.If the wisest man is too showy of his knowledge and intelpgence, he is possible to be hurt by them.这样看来人的知识、智能是有它局限性的,就是神通也有其不足的地方。

4.The price is all right, but it's a bit showy, isn't it?价格还可以,可是有点花哨了,对不对?

5.She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy pfe was not lost upon her.她具有寻求解放的斗士的悟性,更排场的生活向她发出了诱人的光辉。

6.As he was of high birth and of a showy person, the vain Jupa was not so much in love as to be insensible to his attentions.由于他出身高贵,又是个惹眼的美男子,朱莉亚虽然别有所恋,却并非深情得没觉察到他的殷勤劲儿。

7.She not only pked to go in the most showy carriage in London , but that the pubpc should see her in it too .她不仅喜欢坐最漂亮的马车在伦敦市上兜来兜去,而且希望人人都看到她。

8.Its visual style is seemingly very simple, as Billy Wilder is not a very showy director, and that was something that really appealed to me.影片的视觉风格似乎非常简单,这是因为比利•怀尔德(BillyWilder)不是个很喜欢卖弄的导演,而这也真真切切地打动了我。

9.It is an extremely showy beauty with its pure white, charming flowers and amazing scent that pervades the air especially after dusk.它美丽抢眼,开纯白色迷人的花,把神奇的花香散入空气中,尤以入夜为最。

10.With big, showy behavior, it's a lot easier for them to discount the issue versus if you brought it up in a serious tone.用一种大幅度的、华而不实的行为,更容易让他们对这个问题打个折扣,反之,用一种严肃的语气可以让他们严肃对待。