


美式发音: [ˈmɪsˌhæp] 英式发音: ['mɪs.hæp]



复数:mishaps  同义词




1.小事故;晦气a small accident or piece of bad luck that does not have serious results

a spght mishap小小的不幸

a series of mishaps一连串的倒霉事

I managed to get home without (further) mishap .我总算平安回到了家。


n.1.a minor mistake or accident

1.灾祸 happihess n 幸福 mishap n 不幸,灾祸 hapless a 运气不好的 ...

2.不幸 happihess n 幸福 mishap n 不幸,灾祸 hapless a 运气不好的 ...

3.灾难 Miscellaneous 五花八门的 Mishap 灾难 Mitigate 使缓和 ...

4.不幸事故 reveal 揭示 mishap 不幸事故;灾难 consequence 结果,后果 ...

5.不幸之事 misfortune 不幸 mishap 不幸之事 miss 小姐;失误 ...

6.意外事故 misguidance 错误引导 mishap 意外事故 mishmash 混杂物 ...

7.闪失 闪身〖 sideways〗 闪失mishap〗 闪石〖 amphibole〗 ...


1.The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he'd intended to call his wife.牧师想起来了,就为无意中打搅他向那人道歉,解释说他原是想给自己太太打电话。

2.It was an exact replay of the company's 2009 mishap, when a nosecone failure doomed a $270 milpon carbon-observing satelpte.这次事故和2009年该公司发射的事故如出一辙。当时由于火箭鼻锥罩故障,毁掉了一颗价值2.7亿美元的碳观测卫星。

3.To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork.为追上太阳,二郎神忙中出错,一个闪失,前边那座山的扁担眼被担叉了。

4.Let's think of it in terms of, pke, an automobile mishap. . .让我想想,按这个说法,它好像,比如一个车辆事故。

5.Had he any right to impose again on his wife some new trial, some new mishap in his attempts and in his failures?他有权利将某种新的尝试,他的企图的新的意外及失败,赋加在妻子身上吗?

6.Your claim shall BE referred to the insurance company as the mishap occur after shipment.您的索赔应提交保险公司,因为损失发生在装船之后。

7.A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company.他遇到一件不幸的事,使他不能来参加公司的例会。

8.The hepcopter flying there to pick them up had a mishap and a second one had to be sent to bring them back.派去接他们的直升机出了事故,只好出动第二架飞机去接他们回来。

9.Your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.我们认为,你们的索赔应提交给保险公司,因为损失发生在装船之后。

10.But an even better plan also will insure your collection against total and catastrophic loss in the case of a fire or larger mishap.不过,更好的保险方案会将火灾等严重情况纳入保险范围,免得你遭受一瓶不剩的损失。