


美式发音: [ˈheɪˌdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈheɪdeɪ]



复数:heydays  同义词

n.prime,zenith,halcyon days,glory days,peak



1.最为强大(或成功、繁荣)的时期the time when sb/sth had most power or success, or was most popular

In its heyday , the company ran trains every fifteen minutes.公司在最兴隆时期每隔十五分钟就开出一列火车。

a fine example from the heyday of Itapan cinema意大利电影业全盛期的一部优秀代表作

a picture of Brigitte Bardot in her heyday碧姬 ) 芭铎事业鼎盛时的一张照片


n.1.the period of time when a person, idea, or object is most successful or popular

1.全盛期 Graph 图表,坐标图 Heyday 全盛期 Ideal 理想的,完美的,理想 ...

2.全盛时期 flux 变迁,不断的变化 heyday 全盛时期,青春期 nosegay 花束 ...

3.鼎盛时期 纹身: tattoo 鼎盛时期heyday 马拉多纳: Maradona ...

4.盛世 midsummer 盛夏 heyday 盛世 fill 盛满 ...

5.时代 (working day) 工作日 (heyday) 时代 6. feel 详细 ...

6.极盛 ... 极瘦弱 cachexia 极盛 heyday 极秘密 hush-hush ...

7.年富力强时期 恐怖时期 terror 年富力强时期 heyday 平稳时期 plateau ...

8.指全盛期 ... at the summit of one's power 如日中天 Heyday 指全盛期 3.in the golden ages, 在黄金时代,在全 …


1.In his heyday, he was known as the "King of the High C's" for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes.帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借著对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。

2.He was a racing NUT, but he failed to understand that the heyday of racing had already passed.他是一个赛车狂,但不了解赛车的全盛时期已一去不复返了。

3.Today, all that remains of that heyday are vacant hotels and broken down ATMs.今天,所有的全盛时期仍然是空置的酒店和破碎上下自动柜员机。

4.In 1999, he began to usher in its heyday, his masterpiece [1999 Thank you for your love], becoming the highest degree of popular songs sung.在1999年,他开始迎来它的鼎盛时期,他的杰作[1999],谢谢你的爱,成为最高程度的流行歌曲演唱。

5.The bank is as safe as houses compared with its wobbly western peers, but its heyday is over.与那些摇摇欲坠的西方同行相比,中行的处境非常稳固,但它的鼎盛日子已经过去。

6.I pointed out that there was no such popcy in the heyday of the gold standard that functioned as a common international currency.我指出,在充当国际通用货币的金本位盛行之时,并不存在统一的财政政策。

7.Turns out that in the heyday of railroading all over the nation, crews used to spread salt in the wintertime.据说在铁路全盛期,职员经常在冬季向道路上撒盐。

8.it is remembered as it was in its heyday, one of the most romantic eras in the history of the Mississippi.它至今仍像它的全盛时期---密西西比河历史上最富于浪漫情调的一个时期---一样,留在人们的记忆里。

9.Harvey and Bob Weinstein founded Miramax and led the company into its 1990s heyday , when it shook up the Hollywood pecking order .哈维和鲍勃-温斯坦创立了米拉麦克斯,带领公司进入1990年代的鼎盛期,并撼动了好莱坞的权势等级。

10.The rot began to set in for Conservatives, of course, during Margaret Thatcher's heyday.当然,保守党的衰落在玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)的鼎盛时期就开始了。