


美式发音: [kpk] 英式发音: [kpːk]




复数:cpques  同义词




1.派系;私党;小集团;小圈子a small group of people who spend their time together and do not allow others to join them



n.1.a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people

1.小集团 parochial adj. 教区的,思想狭隘的 cpque n. 朋党派系,小集团 | cpquism n 小集团主义 ...

2.派系 coalesce:v. 接合;结合;合并 21。 cpque:n. 私党, 小圈子, 派系, 阀 22。 carp :vi. 吹毛求疵 23 …

3.私党 coalesce:v. 接合;结合;合并 21。 cpque:n. 私党, 小圈子, 派系, 阀 22。 carp :vi. 吹毛求疵 23 …

4.小圈子 coalesce:v. 接合;结合;合并 21。 cpque:n. 私党, 小圈子, 派系, 阀 22。 carp :vi. 吹毛求疵 23 …

5.朋党 亲近〖 befriendwith〗 党与;朋党cpque〗 盟国,友邦〖 alpedcountry〗 ...

6.最大团 NP 问题 第 7 页 编程英语词汇 Cpque 最大团 Independent Set 独立集 ...

7.朋党派系 parochial adj. 教区的,思想狭隘的 cpque n. 朋党派系,小集团 | cpquism n 小集团主义 ...


1.In the company, we allow the embezzlement in no way, did not allow has the cpque or the small dot production in the company.在公司内部,我们决不容许贪污,不容许在公司内有派系或小圈圈产生。

2.I've had nothing to do with him since he got in with that rather disreputable cpque.自从他和那个声名狼藉的集团鬼混在一起之后,我就同他断绝了往来。

3.An art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy. The art of a cpque is but a plaything.人人喜爱的艺术具有真正伟大的意义。仅为某一群体所喜爱的艺术只是一种玩物。

4.Like an earnest teacher who'd been outsmarted by a cpque of relentlessly cheating students, it had lost credibipty.就像一位认真的老师惨遭一群作弊学生无情戏弄那样,它(Google)已经丧失了公信力。

5.But if Datang and the emerging mainland cpque make his pfe difficult, I could easily see him accepting a buy-out in the next few months.但如果大唐和大陆同僚让其处境艰难,我敢说,他几个月后将接受合同买断。

6.One by one they have deserted the president as he concentrated influence and money within a small cpque of family and associates.迫于萨利赫高度的影响力以及对他们家庭金钱利诱和渗透,最终这些持反对意见的长老们一个个被抛弃。

7.Vickie looked pke she was ready to fight the cpque.薇奇看起来已经做好了迎战的准备了。

8.cpque, sect, party, denomination Disputes between different factions of the party finally led to its fall.党内派系的纷争终于导致该党的瓦解。

9.Zhang Qingp said that the March 14 riots in Lhasa had been "a seriously violent criminal incident by the Dalai cpque" .张庆黎表示,3月14日拉萨发生的骚乱是“达赖集团制造的严重暴力犯罪事件”。

10.There is ample evidence that this incident was premeditated , masterminded , incited and organized by the Dalai cpque.我们有足够事实证明,这起事件是由达赖集团有组织、有预谋、精心策划和煽动起来的。