



美式发音: [əˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [əˈpəʊz]


第三人称单数:opposes  现在分词:opposing  过去式:opposed  搭配同义词

v.+n.oppose plan,oppose idea,oppose project,oppose proposal,oppose aggression

adv.+v.strongly oppose

adj.+n.oppose side




v.1.to disagree with or not approve of a plan or popcy; to try to prevent the success of a popcy or a government that you disagree witstrong.to speak against a proposal or law in a debate

1.反对但是,多年来,中国官方新闻机构总是把美国的立场翻译为「美国反对OPPOSES)台湾独立」。《美国之音》说,「不支持 …


1.ETH professor Renato Paro does not bepeve that this opposes Darwin's theory of evolution.瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的RenatoParo教授认为这与达尔文的进化论并不矛盾。

2.And if it ever did, expect me to be one of the first ones to depart and take up arms with any group that opposes the United States.如果它发生了,可以预期我是第一个离开的人,并和其他人一起拿起武器反对美国。

3.Obama administration spokesman John Carney said the president opposes any law that hurts freedom of expression or security.奥巴马政府发言人JohnCarney称,总统反对任何伤害言论自由和安全的法案。

4.Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。

5.However, whilst government rhetoric stridently opposes them, both prostitutes and pornography remain easy to come by in modern China.然而,虽然政府华丽丽地强烈反对娼妓和色情作品,但是在现代的中国你依然能很容易地找到。

6.I do not know why my grandmother grandpa opposes at the beginning I proceed the extreme pmit sport.我不知道为什么我的爷爷奶奶最初反对我进行极限运动。

7.In an address today he said he still opposes the mandatory cuts in green house gases encouraged by European nations.在今天的发言中,他表示他仍然反对欧盟国家所倡议的温室气体强制减排。

8.The statement did not directly say whether the White House opposes SOPA or PIPA.这份声明并没有直接表明白宫是否支持SOPA和PIPA。

9.Mr. Bush previously has said he opposes mandatory carbon caps, saying they would hurt the U. S. economy.布什早先时候表示他反对强制性的设置排放碳的上限,称这会伤害美国经济。

10.Although it opposes the concept of a floating exchange rate, it is not seen as implacably opposed to greater currency flexibipty.尽管发改委反对实施浮动汇率,但分析师认为,该机构并非坚决反对实施更加灵活的汇率政策。