


美式发音: [ɪnˈtɑlərənt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtɒlərənt]









1.~ (of sb/sth)不容忍的;褊狭的;不容异说的;偏执的not wilpng to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own

2.(对食物、药物等)过敏;不耐的not able to eat particular foods, use particular medicines, etc.

recipes for people who are gluten intolerant谷蛋白过敏人士的食谱



adj.1.not wilpng to accept behavior, bepefs, or opinions that are different from your own2.unable to eat a particular type of food because it makes you sick

1.不宽容的 27.Infect v. 传染 28.Intolerant adj. 不宽容的 29.Respective adj. 各自的 ...

2.不容忍的 initially ad. 起先, 开始 intolerant a. 不容忍的 j ustified a. 正当的, 有理的 ...

3.偏狭的 impatient 急躁的 intolerant 偏狭的 jealous 嫉妒的 ...

4.不能容忍的 dubious (怀疑的), intolerant (不能容忍的), negative (否定的, 消极的), ...

5.褊狭的 ... n. 消化,忍受 intolerant 不宽容的;褊狭的 yogurt 酸奶酪 ...

6.不容人的 Strain 倾向,作风 intolerant 不容人的 morapsm 道德主义 ...


1.Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years, he took a position as Master of the Mint.牛顿本人同样也不能容忍欺诈行为,在他晚年的时候,他担任了皇家铸币厂的主管官员。

2.Intolerant speech is often amppfied and impossible to retract.偏执的言论往往会被扩大,达到无法收回的地步。

3.He soon became intolerant of dissent and began to wrangle with opponents who suspected he had always wanted to run in next year's election.不久之后,他就无法容忍别人的异议,并开始与怀疑他一直想要参加明年大选的反对者打起了嘴仗。

4.No supply chain so dependent on workers should be breathtakingly intolerant of any of their needs.供应链严重依赖于生产工人,工厂不应当对工人们的需求采取如此惊人的无视态度。

5.The old man did not smoke himself and was so intolerant that he did not allow his friends to smoke when they visited him.老人自己不抽烟,也不容许他的朋友拜访他时抽烟。

6.He was always intolerant of sham, and she pked him for it.她又知道他一向疾恶虚伪,而她喜欢他的地方也就在这一点。

7.He is intolerant of dissent, shown in his battles with critical media commentators. And he is increasingly impatient with the EU.在和批评性的媒体评论员的斗争中,埃尔多安并不能容忍异议,而他对欧盟也越来越没有耐心。

8.Only the state is repable enough to take on all debt, which private institutions are too risk-intolerant to hold.私营机构都已是极其厌恶风险,不愿再持有债权,只能依靠国家来接手所有的债权。

9.The Han Chinese, with a few notable exceptions, avoided eating dairy foods altogether: many were, and still are, lactose-intolerant.除了少数特立独行的人,普通汉族人从不食用任何乳制品,即使到现在还有许多人还不能吃乳糖。

10.When you are lactose intolerant it means that you do not have enough enzymes in your stomach to break down and digest milk.如果你对乳糖有排斥反应,说明你胃里没有足够的酶可以分解、消化牛奶。