




1.哈克 (lone 单独) 122.- (huck 叫卖) (prand 恶作剧) ...

4.胡克医生克·奥伯莱兹医生(Ocker Oberarzt)、胡克医生Huck)。

5.拉铆钉或哈兊拉铆钉,又称哈兊拉铆钉或哈兊HUCK)螺栓,是利用虎兊定律原理,用拉铆钉丏 用设备将2个结合件夹紧后,将套入的环状 …

6.汤姆和他的朋友克汤姆和他的朋友克(Huck)与祖(Joe)的行径,展示了工业革命为美国社会带来巨大转变前,当地青少年所流露的天真无邪与满腔 …

7.哈克的故事哈克的故事 (Huck)


1.Speaking in Moscow, Jeremy Huck, president of BP Russia, said the company bepeved the actions were "without merit" .BP俄罗斯总裁杰里米•哈克(JeremyHuck)在莫斯科表示,该公司相信以上行动“毫无道理”。

2.Huck closed up and shortened his distance, now, for they would never be able to see him.哈克靠上去缩短了距离,因为那两人现在绝不会看见他。

3.He took Huck to a lonely place to have a talk with him.他把哈克拉到一个僻静处,同他谈了这件事。

4.But it's the goodness of Huck, that stuff that Huck's been made of, you see, all been buried, it's all been buried.但是这个哈克的善良,这是哈克的本质,你瞧,全都被淹没了,全被淹没了。

5.The night remained clear, and Huck closed his watch and retired to bed in an empty sugar hogshead about twelve.那天夜里天色始终是明亮的,哈克就在十二点钟左右结束了他的守望,到了一个空糖桶里睡觉去了。

6.He tried to put pressure on Huck, but he never could catch Huck with anything big, and Huck kept catching him with straight right hands.他试图对哈克施加压力,但他根本不能重拳击中他,哈克不停的用右直拳击中他。

7.Now, Huck, where we're a-standing you could touch that hole I got out of with a fishing-pole. See if you can find it .哈克,在这里用钓鱼竿就能够到我钻出来的洞,你肯定能找到洞口。

8.Huck pves with the water as if he is in his mother's womb and experiences symbopstic death and rebirth twice.哈克在水里,如同在母亲的子宫里,经历了两次象征性的死亡和再生。

9.Tom and Huck got close to the bottom of the cave and found a large and heavy box.汤姆和哈克走进洞底发现一只又大又沉的箱子。

10.Huck searched all the place about, and found nothing. Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said.37哈克到处找了找,没找到什么。汤姆很神气地迈着大步走到一大堆绿树丛旁说。