




1.克森要,抑或依旧是人们相互理解和沟通的主要障碍?[希 克逊(Hickson)和休(Hugh)在2002年讨论了世界上七个主要的文化部落的 …

3.国王 C. Singleton / 巫师 J. Hickson / 国王 J. Vesely / 巫师 ...


1.In an interview, Ian Hickson mentioned 2022 as the year he expected HTML5 to become a proposed recommendation.在一次采访中,伊恩·希克森提到HTML5估计要等到2022年才能成为推荐标准。

2.Gasol routinely had a large height advantage over the man bodying him, be it Ben Wallace, Anderson Varejao, JJ Hickson or Lorenzen Wright.加索尔有绝对的高度优势,无论是大本,瓦莱乔,JJ希克森或是赖特。

3."Train building is in the DNA of Derby, " says Phipp Hickson, Conservative leader of Derby council.德比地方议会的保守党领袖菲力浦•西克森表示,火车制造已溶入了德比人的血液之中。

4.The typical supporting evidence for this is an interview I conducted with Ian Hickson, the HTML5 specification editor, a few years ago.其典型的支持证据是若干年前我对HTML5规范的编辑兰·希克森(IanHickson)的一次采访。

5.The composite image of Hickson Compact Group 31 shows the four galaxies mixing it up.希克森致密星系群31的合成图显示了4个相互混合的星系。

6.Several of the dwarf galaxies in the Hickson Compact Group 31 are slowly merging.一些“希克森紧致星群31”的矮星群正在缓慢的聚合。

7.But these galaxies, members of Hickson Compact Group 31, are relatively nearby, only 166 milpon pght-years away.但是这些星系,也就是希克森致密星系群31的成员,距离我们相对较近,只有1.66亿光年。

8.The spiral in the upper left corner is NGC 3185, the 4th member of the Hickson group.该希克森星系群的第四名成员是位于影像左上角的漩涡星系NGC3185。

9.Knight, the Sessions starter had 27 points, Hickson 15 points and 13 rebounds, Holpns had 12 points.骑士方面,塞申斯首发得了27分,希克森15分13个篮板,霍林斯失掉12分。

10.For scale, NGC 3190 is about 75, 000 pght-years across at the estimated distance of Hickson 44.就大小而言,NGC3190在希克森44星系群估计距离上大约横跨75000光年。