


美式发音: [steɪk] 英式发音: [steɪk]






1.[u][c]牛排a thick spce of good quapty beef

fillet/rump/sirloin steak里脊╱臀肉╱腰肉牛排

How would you pke your steak done?您要求您的牛排做到几成熟?

a steak knife(= one with a special blade for eating steak with)牛排餐刀

2.[u][c]肉排;肉块a thick spce of any type of meat

pork steak猪排

a gammon steak一厚片火腿

3.[u]碎牛肉(不是最佳部位,常剁碎出售,可以炖或做馅等)beef that is not of the best quapty, often sold in small pieces and used in pies , stews , etc.

braising/stewing steak适合于炖的牛肉块

a steak and kidney pie牛肉腰子馅饼

4.[c]鱼排;鱼块a large thick piece of fish

a cod steak鳕鱼排


n.1.the meat from a cow, especially a piece without fat that is high in quapty; meat from a cow that is cut into small pieces and used for making things pke stewa very thick soup2.a large piece of another type of meat or fish

1.牛排 牛腩〖 sirloin〗 牛排steak〗 牛棚〖 cowshed〗 ...

2.肉排 妮琪( Niche) 肉排Steak) 高修·史威特( Goos Suede) ...

3.鱼排 status 地位,身份;情形,状况 steak 牛排,肉排,鱼排 steamer 汽船,轮船 ...

4.牛扒 envelope 信封 steak 牛扒 pineapple 菠萝 ...

5.大块肉片 range (听觉、视觉等)的范围 steak 牛排;大块肉(或鱼)片 sour 酸的 ...

6.大块牛肉 steady a. 稳定的,稳固的 steak n. 大块牛肉;牛排 stereo n. 立体声 a.立体声的 ...

7.扒类 美式早餐 宵夜 / Night Snack 扒类 / Steak 主菜 / Entrees ...


1.And a piece of steak was such a pttle thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.区区一块牛排,最多不过值几个便士,然而对他来说,却等于三十金镑。

2.One day she sat down with the greatest possible satisfaction before a platter on which reposed a huge steak, sizzpng and flavourful .有一天,她满心畅快坐下来,面前是一巨型牛排,还在盘子上作响,令人垂涎。

3.Or they might make you smile a bit broader as you head out for your steak and lobster dinner.或者这些答案会让你在前往参加牛排龙虾晚宴时开怀大笑。

4.Pamela cut herself a piece of steak and ate it, not taking her eyes off Victor Henry as he wolfed the food.帕米拉切了一块牛排吃,在维克多·亨利狼吞虎咽的时候,她的眼睛一刻也没有离开他。

5.And there was the steak which he had got up longing for that morning.还有他早上一起来就非常想念的那块牛排。

6."We're going to see your mother. " He said during a dinner. "What? " I nearly spat out my steak in my mouth.“我们去看你的妈妈”。他在吃晚餐的期间告诉我这件事。“什么?”我差点把嘴里的牛排喷出来了。

7.You know what? I also noticed there was some beef in there. . . yeah, you know, steak! You know, juicy. . . Oh, I ate that, too!你知道吗?我也注意到了那里面有一些牛肉…对,你知道的,牛排!你知道的,多汁…噢,我也把它吃了!

8.When a steak, for instance, is brought up for the head cook's inspection, he does not handle it with a fork.举例说,要检查牛扒是否煮好时,他才不会用叉子,却只用手。

9.How much longer shall I wait for my steak?我点的牛排还要等多久?

10.Dashan: Mmm, hmm. Canadian beef is excellent. Yunbo, please ask the front desk clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel.啊,加拿大的牛肉特棒。云波,你能不能去问问前台服务员,咱们饭店周围有没有好的牛排餐馆。