


美式发音: [moʊˈmentəm] 英式发音: [məʊˈmentəm]



复数:momentums  复数:momenta  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.maintain momentum,lose momentum,gain momentum,gather momentum





1.推进力;动力;势头the abipty to keep increasing or developing

The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.争取使他获释的斗争声势日益加强。

They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game.在比赛的下半场,他们的势头就逐渐减弱。

2.冲力a force that is gained by movement

The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.那辆车顺着坡越跑冲力越大。

3.动量the quantity of movement of a moving object, measured as its mass multipped by its speed


n.1.progress or development that is becoming faster or stronger2.the speed with which a moving object keeps moving or moves faster3.the tendency of a moving object to keep moving unless another force stops it or slows it down

1.动量 Sprint 疾跑系列 Momentum 动量 Metron 脉冲 系列 ...

2.动力 convincing adj. 确信 momentum n. 动力.. systematic adj. 有系统的 ...

3.势头 controversial 有争议的,有争论的 momentum 势头 admiral 海军上将 ...

4.要素 module n. 模块;登月舱 momentum n. 动力;要素 monarch n. 君主 ...

5.动量指标 指数平滑移动平均线( MACD) 动量指标( Momentum) 表现指标( Performance) ...

6.冲力 冲浪板〖 surfboard〗 冲力〖 impulsiveforce;momentum〗 冲凉〖 takeashower〗 ...

7.动能 1. JEWEL 璀璨: 2. momentum 力量: 3. BLUE BIRD 青鸟: ...


1.He noted China-Pakistan relations have maintained a momentum of sound development since the new government came into office in Pakistan.巴基斯坦新政府执政后,中巴关系继续保持良好发展势头。

2.However, momentum is always conserved in a colpsion, whether or not the colpsion is elastic.然而,不管碰撞是不是弹性的,在碰撞过程中动量总是守恒的。

3.In today's world, a guest's potential to share negative feedback is almost unimaginable, and seems to be gaining momentum.在当今世界,客户的负面反馈意见很容易传播,并且有上升趋势(这是让人难以想象的)。

4."We may see that for a couple of more months until we start to see some real momentum in some sector of the economy. "Moody’sEconomy网址被屏蔽总监马里萨·迪·纳塔莱说,“这种情况还会持续一段时间,知道我们开始看见一些真正能够推动经济增长的动力。”

5.Mr. Greenspan said he thought the economy was gaining momentum, with the strongest signals of growth coming since the middle of last month.格林斯潘说,他认为经济增长的势头正在加大,增长的信号自上个月中旬以来达到最强。

6.Victories will continue to come, for you have already built quite a bit of momentum that will carry you forward now without trying so hard.胜利将持续到来。由于你已经建立的相当多的气势,它现在将带你向前,你将不需要太艰难的努力。

7.Rural and urban family planning work has begun to be passive situation reversed, and a good momentum of development.农村和城市计划生育工作被动局面得到了初步扭转,并向良好态势发展。

8.The main idea is to gain the momentum in your hopes, dreams & wishes to be able to carry you through the challenging times.一个主要的事是你将在你的希望,梦想和愿望中获得力量能带你走过复杂的时间。

9.It deprived the White House of a victory on Social Security, one that could have provided momentum for the rest of the second term.它使得白宫的社会保障计划失败,这项计划本可以为共和党的第二个任期的后半段注入活力。

10.Even so, it is unclear how much momentum the shift to inland growth really has.即便如此,我们仍不清楚这一内陆发展的转变,其后劲到底有多足。