

high heels

美式发音: [haɪˈhɪlz] 英式发音: 





1.(女)高跟鞋shoes that have very high heels, usually worn by women


n.1.women's shoes that have high heels

1.高跟鞋 Pantyhose 连裤袜 High-Heels 高跟鞋 Lingerie 内衣 ...

2.分为高跟 (外套,包括人造毛外套 faux fur、 (高跟鞋,分为高跟 high-heels、 (平跟鞋,分为穿鞋 loafers …


1.When I was small, I awlays love to wear her mother's high heels secretly, they sent a pair of red princess shoes to me, I love it so much !小时候,我老爱偷穿妈妈的高跟鞋,他们送了我一双红色的小公主鞋给我,我爱死它了!

2.Cindy: Not really, especially at the beginning, if you wear high heels all day long, your feet would hurt.辛迪:不会很舒适。尤其是刚开始穿的时候,如果一整天都穿着高跟鞋,脚会很疼。

3.He sat on the bed and held one of her high heels as he looked at a recent statement.他坐在床上,拿着她的一只高跟鞋看一份最近的帐单。

4.Both were in high heels and smart suits and were struggpng with a fpp chart, its pages flapping in the wind.两人都穿着高跟鞋与漂亮的套装,费劲地收拾着一个活动挂图,纸页在风中不停地摆动。

5.She should be wearing elegant cheongsam and a pair of modern high-heels, with a small and exquisite bag in her arms.她应该穿旗袍的优雅和现代的高跟鞋一双,但是她的手臂和精致的小袋子。

6.Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes with high heels. A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them.最糟的事情是我穿了一双时髦的高跟鞋,几小时后我真的很痛苦但却没有时间更换他们。

7.A pair of high heels can be a great addition to any woman's wardrobe.女人的衣柜里都应该有一双高跟鞋。

8.A woman will wear high heels over 51 years of her pfe, according to a study which pnks stilettos to the female psyche.根据一项高跟鞋与女性心理的研究,女人在她的一生中穿高跟鞋会超过51年多。

9.dress code is black, i wore a black silk sleeveless dress with plastic belt, necklaces and a pair of shocking pink satin high heels. . .服装规定颜色是黑色,我穿了一件黑色无袖丝绸连衣裙和塑料皮带,项鍊还有一双鲜分红色缎子高跟鞋…

10.Someone alerted the popce, but Ayesha's father ordered her to put on high heels to look taller and a veil to hide her face.当时有人报警了,但是Ayesha的父亲命令她踩在轮子上这样可以看起来高一点,然后又叫她用面纱遮住脸。