





1.大司祭 )..... priests 司祭 )..... high priests 大司祭 )..... Hanani 哈纳尼 ...

2.高级祭司啊,这是和天狼星的高级祭司High Priests)有关系的。那时的高级祭司生来就生活在顶层,因为他们持有不和谐的遗传模式…

3.祭司长官方宗教的“祭司长high priests)”和新闻媒体便说服群众:一个宗教必须有几千年的历史才能“被接受”,其它的都是危险的宗 …


1.Major ceremonies: Once a year, at a date that is secretly decided by high priests and death lords, the cult gathers for a day of the dead.主要仪式:每年的一个秘密日期,通常是由高级牧师和死亡贵族决定的,信徒们集会在一起庆祝死亡之日。

2.When Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, the word of the Lord came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the waste land.亚纳斯和盖法作大司祭时,在荒野中有天主的话,传给匝加利亚的儿子若翰。

3.Long ago the High Priests returned to earth to visit the Grand Masters that had been seeded here.很久之前,天狼星的高级祭司回到地球来看望被播种在这里的大师。

4.The high priests of Europe's poptical class handed down the edict that Europe needed its own currency.欧洲政治阶层的最高领导人下令说欧洲需要使用自己的货币。

5.Within 170 years, despite their recognized divine status, five Dalai Lamas were killed by their high priests or other courtiers.在170年间,尽管达赖喇嘛有着至高无上的神圣地位,五位达赖喇嘛死于他们手下的高级僧侣或其他朝臣之手。

6.Can truth be organized, with a president and secretary, or with high priests and interpreters?真理可以由一个主席和秘书、或者高级牧师和诠释者来组织吗?

7.Yet the high priests of the press denounce the sound bite, staple of the 30-second poptical ad, as a degradation of poptical discourse.然而,这种30秒政治广告必备的要素却饱受着新闻界高层权威的抨击,说它降低了政治对话的格调。

8.Jesus, unpke the other high priests, permanently transformed the throne of Judgment . . . into the throne of grace.不像其他大祭司,耶稣将审判台一次性,也是永远的变为了施恩座。

9.Ranks within the priest caste include savants, seers, and high priests and priestesses.祭司种姓内部按级分为学者、先知、高级祭司和女祭司。

10.Caiaphas - High priest during Jesus ministry. The Roman governors appointed and removed the high priests at will.该亚法---在耶稣事工时任大祭司。罗马政府随意任命和罢免大祭司。