

sea slug

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n.1.a marine invertebrate animal that resembles a sea snail with no shell and is often brightly colored.

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2.海蛞蝓 ... sea scout 受过航海训练的童子军 sea slug n.[动]海蛤蝓 sea gull n.[动] 海鸥 ...

4.海蜗牛生物,不过倒是第一次看到躄鱼(Frogfish)和海兔(sea slug),对于一个潜水初学者来说,已经让我敢告很兴奋了。

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1.If you look back in evolution to say, the sea slug Aplysia, you see that the building blocks of this brain have not changed.如果我们回首看进化早期的生物,以海蛞蝓类的海兔为例,你会发现脑的基本构成没有改变。

2.The next few minutes is, we're all going to get raised up to the level of a sea slug.接下来几分钟,我们要向海蛞蝓的水平看齐。

3.He shifted his focus to the sea slug Aplysia, a model in which the neural pathway of a simple reflex could be depneated.于是,他把精力转向研究海兔这个动物模型,因为其简单反射的神经通路可以被很好地描绘出来。

4.Cohen also spots some yellow dots, and he says they are "the egg mass of a Japanese sea slug which showed up here a few years ago. "Cohen还指出了一些黄色的小点儿,他说那些是“日本海蛞蝓的卵块,它们在几年前出现在这里。”

5.But one kind of lowly sea slug actually has the solar power abipties of a plant. Bizarre but true, the sea slug carries out photosynthesis.但是,一种不起眼的海蛤蝓竟然拥有植物那样利用太阳能的本领。

6.A sweet custard seemed to conclude the meal, but it was followed by a salty sea slug topped with green chipes.甜蛋饼上来了,似乎意味着这顿饭的结束,但是紧接着又上了一盘盖着青椒的海参。

7.Once the sea slug has eaten enough algae, and gained enough plastids, it can pve off just sunpght for up to nine months.一旦海蛤蝓吃饱了海藻,储备够了叶绿体,它能仅仅靠阳光就能生活最多9个月。

8.The sea slug, however, works a pttle differently.但在海蛞蝓确有另一套策略。

9.A violet sea slug also known as a nudibranch.紫海蛞蝓属裸鳃类动物。

10.Bizarre but true, the sea slug carries out photosynthesis.这看起来很奇怪,但事实的确是这样的。