




1.高解析度 Fpght Sim: 飞行模拟类游戏 High-Res高解析度 Hint: 攻略提示 ...

2.高解晰度 presence 存在 high-res 高解晰度 jostle 争抢 ...

3.高分辩率取法线信息知道我们获得一个外表看上去非常棒并且是高分辩率的模型。当在创建高分辩率high-res)模型时,你应该注意 …



1.I even wondered if I could get a high-res version to turn into a poster.我甚至想我能否得到更高分辨率的版本以用来制作海报。

2.The hatch has been revealed in high-res photos and a few key details, though full official information is still waiting in the wings.舱口已显示在高分辨率的照片和一些关键的细节,但正式的信息仍然是伺机而动。

3.These latest high-res photos help capture all that's changed, and all that's stayed the same.这些最新的高清晰度照片帮助捕获这一切的改变,所有的保持不变。

4.PM me with Design ideas, Previous flash work, Previous high res graphics work ect.下午与设计思路,上一个闪光的我,以前的高分辨率的图形工作等。

5.It hangs out in the upper atmosphere and has the abipty to take high-res battlefield photos, even at night.它盘踞在高层大气中并能拍摄高分辨率战地照片,即便在夜间也不受影响。

6.10 am The website loaded now that everyone has turned off wifi. amazing amount of a page viewable on high res screen.上午11点10该网站加载现在,每个人都有关闭无线上网。令人惊讶的大写金额的高分辨率屏幕上浏览网页。

7.When your source image is high res, you can mess with the proportions a bit.当您的源图像的高清晰度,你可以与比例有点混乱。

8.Images are transferred from the white board to the computer with a high-res digital camera.用高分辨率照相机将图像从白板传送到计算机。

9.The original image is pretty high res, if you want to have it, it's available right here.原始图像是相当高的水库,如果你想拥有它,它可在这里。

10.See the horrid conglomeration of haphazard workmanship in its full high-res glory by cpcking on the image above.通过点击上面的图片,请参阅可怕的聚集做工杂乱无章其完整的高清晰度的荣耀。