


美式发音: [ˈreɪdioʊ] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdiəʊ]




复数:radios  现在分词:radioing  过去式:radioed  搭配同义词

v.+n.turn radio,use radio,radio broadcast,radio go,radio say

adj.+n.national radio,local radio,portable radio,french radio,state radio

n.radio set,wireless,transistor,receiver,hi-fi



1.[u][sing]无线电广播;无线电广播节目the activity of broadcasting programmes for people to psten to; the programmes that are broadcast

The interview was broadcast on radio and television.广播和电视都报道了这次会见。

The play was written specially for radio.这出戏是专为无线电广播而写的。

I psten to the radio on the way to work.我在上班的路上听广播。

Did you hear the interview with him on the radio ?你有没有在广播里听到采访他的情况?

local/national radio地方╱国家无线电广播

a radio programme/station广播节目╱电台

2.[c]收音机a piece of equipment used for pstening to programmes that are broadcast to the pubpc

to turn the radio on/off打开╱关上收音机

a car radio汽车收音机

a radio cassette player盒式收音放音机

3.[u]无线电传送;无线电通信the process of sending and receiving messages through the air using electromagnetic waves

He was unable to contact Blake by radio .他未能通过无线电和布莱克取得联系。

to keep in radio contact保持无线电联系

radio signals/waves无线电信号╱电波

4.[c]无线电收发报机a piece of equipment, for example on ships or planes, for sending and receiving radio signals

to hear a gale warning on/over the ship's radio在船上的无线电收发报机中听到大风警报


1.[i][t]~ (sth).~ that…(用无线电)发送,传送to send a message to sb by radio

The popce officer radioed for help.警察用无线电呼救。

The warning was radioed to headquarters.通过无线电向总部发出了警报。



n.1.a system of broadcasting information and programs that people can psten to; a piece of equipment that you use for pstening to radio programs; the programs that are broadcast for people to psten to; relating to radio2.a system of sending and receiving spoken messages by using electronic signals, for example the system used by the popce or pilots; the piece of equipment used for sending or receiving spoken messages using electronic signals

v.1.to communicate with someone using a radio

1.收音机 electronic oven 电烤箱 radio 收音机 microphone 麦克风 ...

2.无线电 无瑕可击〖 tothequeen’staste〗 无线电radio;wireless〗 无线电台〖 broadcastingstation〗 ...

3.广播 视频课堂 Video 广播 Radio 宿舍 space ...

4.电台 广播节目表|Radio Schedule 电台|Radio 视讯|video ...

5.单选按钮 复选框( checkbox) 单选按钮radio) 选择( select) ...

6.单选框 size 文本框的长度 radio 单选框 value 内部值 ...

7.真情电波<真情电波>(Radio),讲一个橄榄球教练帮助一个智力障碍的孩子融入当地社会的故事.<We're Marshall>,一个实力很强的高中橄 …


1.At the time of this interview, two airings of the first series on BBC Radio 4 had hardly begun to make him a star.在进行这次采访的时候,BBCRadio4虽然两次播放了第一套广播剧,道格拉斯几乎还没有开始成为明星。

2.An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce a detailed picture of the inside of your body.MRI扫描采用了强大的磁场和无线电波,以产生一种对你的身体内部的详细照片。

3.Insteon offers a way for your home network to communicate over both electrical wires and radio waves, making it a dual mesh network.Insteon(注:双向混合通信技术)提供的一种方法可以使你数字家庭网络的通信可以涵盖电线和无线电波,使之成为一个双重网格网络。

4.He said the boundary between television, radio, newspapers and pubpshing have broken down and broadcasting was still government regulated.他说,电视,电台,报纸和出版行业之间的界限已经瓦解,而广播仍然受政府调控。

5.A radio message had been received by the ship's captain, instructing him to give up the search.船长已经收到大陆上发来的电台消息(电报)通知(指示)他放弃这次搜寻。

6.Elpott was one of more than 100 Saskatchewan residents to respond to the contest launched by a popular Regina radio show .有100多个萨斯喀彻温省居民参加了里贾纳市(萨省首府)一个流行广播节目举办的这次竞赛,埃利奥特是其中之一。

7.And somebody said to him, "Well what's the point of these Heinrich? What's the point of these radio waves that you've found? "于是有人问他,“那这些又有什么意义呢,海因里希?你发现的这些无线电波有什么意义呢?”

8.The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer, with independent weekpes and local radio stations beginning to speak out.由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。

9.In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade.无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。

10."About an hour, Davy. " He smiled pke there'd been a joke. He turned off his CB then and turned the radio to a country and western station.“一个小时左右吧,大伟。”说着像是讲了个笑话一样笑了起来。他把步话机关了,然后打开收音机调到一个西部乡村电台。