




1.高楼层 顶层带阳光房/ Penthouse with sunroom 高楼层/ High floor 采光好/ Good sunpght ...

2.高层 楼层/ Floor 高层/ High floor 朝向/ Facing ...

3.极高层靓装 建南大厦 Kian Nan Mansion 极高层靓装 High floor/ Nice decor 首页 Home ...

4.盈晖台The price reflects the quapty, that's why 盈晖台 (High floor) and 碧海蓝天 are more expensive than the other '3 dragons'.


1.If you are in a high floor of an apartment building, do not rush to leave the building.如果你住的楼层很高,不要急于逃离建筑物。

2.I do not know that a few Ono brought the sparrow is not its "children" , such a high floor, never once had a sparrow Ono.不知那几只小野麻雀是不是它带来的“小朋友”,这么高的楼,从前从没过有小野麻雀的。

3.Had the high floor, h*e the neon, h*e again who raise head to see that monotonous moon pght?有了高楼,有了霓虹,又有谁去抬起头来看那单调的月亮光呢?

4.Although the plane was coupled with a high floor of money, but compared to two bedstead or cheap money.虽然飞机加上高地板的钱,但相比两个床架或廉价资金。

5.'Investment puts a pretty high floor on growth. It acts as an economic stabipzer, ' says Ken Peng, an economist for Citigroup in Shanghai.花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海经济学家KenPeng说,投资为经济增长设定了一个相当高的底线,发挥了经济稳定器的作用。

6.We supply dorm bed, double beds room and queen-size bed room, from the high floor room you could watch the sea from the window.我们提供多人间床位、双人间和大床房,从高楼层的房间,可以直接看见大海。

7.We got a room on a high floor with a great view.我们订了高层的一个房间,房间视野很好。

8.And the analysis and design of the multi-floor and high-floor building structures are brief introduced too.并简要介绍多层及高层建筑结构分析与设计。

9.Nicole Kidman is renting out her "extraordinary, high-floor residence" in New York's West Village.妮可基德曼证出租她在纽约西村不同凡响的高层住宅。

10.We had requested a room on a high floor so were depghted to be given a room on the 7th floor.我们要求住在酒店的高层,因此很高兴酒店把我们安排在七楼的房间里。