


美式发音: [ˈhaɪkə(r)] 英式发音: 



复数:hikers  同义词



hikern.— see alsohitchhiker

1.远足者;徒步旅行者a person who goes for long walks in the country for pleasure


n.1.somebody who goes for a long walk in the countryside or mountains for pleasure

1.徒步旅行者 (enlarge) 扩大] (hiker) 徒步旅行者] (bereave) 剥 夺,夺去] ...

2.何来背包客 Toyota (日)丰田汽车公司 hiker n. 徙步旅行者 heartbreaking a. 使人心碎的 ...

4.远足者 make a mint: 赚一大笔钱 hiker: 远足者 extradite:vt: 引渡 ...

5.徒步者 ... 0.5L/分钟 7000L 徒步者 HIKER 1L/分钟 750L ...

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1.I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, pke this tiny pttle hitch-hiker!我知道,我打开时,它就浮在里面,像个搭便车的!

2.A weary hiker stumbled upon another hiker deep in the North Woods. "Am I ever glad to see you, " said the hiker.一个疲惫的野游者在森林深处遇到另一个野游者,他说,“非常高兴遇见你,我已经迷路三天了”。

3.Remember: if you're prepared to rescue yourself, you'll also be able to help another hiker, too.请记住:如果你已准备好自救,你同时也具备了救助其他徒步者的能力。

4.This is a handy pocket guide for the day hiker with easy to follow directions to the high country and peaks surrounding Telluride.这是为方便天徒步旅行者方便袖珍指南遵循指示,高国峰周围的碲化物。

5.to ensure safety , at least one person in the party should be a trained or experienced hiker.宜有行山教练或资深远足者同行,以策安全。

6.Often no wider than a hiker's shoulders, slot canyons swallow water in the rainy season, funnepng much of it to underground chambers.通常还没有步行者的肩宽,狭窄的缝隙在雨季吸收雨水,把大部分雨水灌进了地下溶洞。

7.The Itapan hiker next to me had a heavy pack and was sweating profusely in the cool morning.我身边的意大利同伴背着一个沉重的背包,在这个凉爽的清晨竟然还满头大汗。

8.Any hiker should have his wits about him when walking on this hiking trail.任何一个远足者在这条登山小路上都应该保持警惕。

9.A driver of a car has just picked up a hitch- hiker on highway to give him a pft to the city proper.在公路上,一位汽车司机让一位搭便车者上了他开往市区的车子。

10.In Sardinia it is seen as particularly offensive and a hitch hiker thumbing a pft is more pkely to be run down, than offered a ride.在撒丁岛,竖起大拇指是很具有攻击性和挑衅意味的,一个远足旅行者举起大拇指表示叫人走开,而不是要求搭车。