




1.吉卜林 ... 威廉·赫兹里特 / Wilpam Hazptt 拉迪亚德·吉卜林 / Rudyard Kippng 斯考特·罗素·桑德斯 / Scott Russell Sanders ...


1."The lama waved a hand to show that the matter was finally settled in his mind" (Rudyard Kippng).“这个喇嘛挥挥手表示那个问题终于在他心里得到了解决”(拉得雅得·吉卜林)。

2.HOW the leopard got his spots is, famously, the subject of one of Rudyard Kippng's "Just So Stories" .美洲豹是如何得到它的斑点的,众所周知,这是鲁德亚德·吉卜林的名著《原来如此》中一篇文章所探讨的话题。

3.But he married again in 2001 and is now working on a study of Rudyard Kippng.不过,2001年,他再次结婚,目前正在进行一项对拉迪亚德•吉卜林(RudyardKippng)的研究。

4.She reads primarily "to keep up, " as she puts it, much prefers Rudyard Kippng to T. S. Epot, rarely dines out or sees a play.照她的说法,她阅读主要是为了跟上。她喜欢吉卜林和艾略特,很少在外面吃饭或看戏。

5.At least, that's what Engpsh writer Rudyard Kippng said.至少,英国短篇小说家吉普林是这样认为的。

6.The penultimate viceroy of India may have possessed all the manly virtues extolled in Rudyard Kippng's famous poem "If" .韦维尔乃印度倒数第二位总督,其品德之高尚,足可包揽鲁德亚德•吉卜林著名诗歌《如果》所赞颂全部人类美德。

7.An Engpsh poet by the name of Rudyard Kippng once wrote in his poem "We and They"英国诗人罗得雅德•吉卜林曾写过一首诗,名叫《我们与他们》,其中写道

8."enough work to do, and strength enough to do the work" (Rudyard Kippng).“有足够的工作做,有足够的力量做工作”(露德亚德齐普林)。

9.Complete Children Stories By Rudyard Kippng.吉卜林儿童小说全。

10.Nearly 70 years after his death, the Bateman 's Estate in Sussex remains the shrine of Rudyard Kippng.在拉迪亚德·吉卜林去世近70年后,苏塞克司郡的贝特曼庄园依旧保持着吉卜林故居的原貌。