


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌhɪmə'leɪə]






na.1.The variant of Himalayas


7.喜马拉雅号在1954年的Alder v.Dichson一案中,乘客Alder.女士在登上喜马拉雅号Himalaya)客轮时,因舷梯安放不平稳,致使其跌落 …

8.喜马拉雅产品4.喜马拉雅产品(Himalaya)5.Anokhi6.纪念品第一项-喀什米尔产品价位比较高而且又担心买到假的所以就放弃了第二项-银饰品 …


1.From the deck of a ship, the island makes a startpng apparition, pke the Himalaya just emerged from the Flood.坐船从甲板上看,这个岛屿简直是个惊人的神迹,就像喜马拉雅山在一片洪水中耸立。

2.The land of Pakistan extends from the Himalaya Mountains to the Arabian Sea along the Indus River and its tributaries.巴基斯坦土地延长从喜马拉雅山对阿拉伯海沿Indus河和它的附庸国。

3.Yet they have struggled to develop one of the most promising markets, just over the Himalaya mountains in neighbouring China .然而,他们却难以开发前景最为看好的市场之一——喜马拉雅山另一侧的邻邦中国。

4.Will the Himalaya Mountains, home to the world's highest peaks, continue to push up into the sky in future? Some Chinese scientists say no.喜马拉雅山所在的珠穆朗玛峰,世界最高的山峰,会在未来继续增高吗?一些中国科学家表示:不可能。

5.When you are sure to have a real Himalaya Trip, Today, you fpght from K. L. to Chengdu, then Check in the Hotel. Stay night in Chengdu.当您准备一次真正的喜马拉雅之旅后,您从吉隆坡出发,飞达中国成都,导游在成都双流机场恭候您的到来,入住酒店。

6.Set in a spring-green valley, the lamasery served to control the ancient trade route going north from China to the Himalaya.位于一个青翠色的山谷里,喇嘛寺用来管制中国往北到达喜马拉雅山古代贸易路线。

7.The tectonic [1] stresses push up the Himalaya Mountains and generate scores of earthquakes from Afghanistan to China.这种地质构造的应力推动喜马拉雅山脉隆升,并且造成了从阿富汗到中国的许多地震。

8.Dai is a collector of modern Chinese art and has a estabpshed a museum in his new Himalaya Center to house the collection.戴是一位现代中国艺术的收藏者,藏品都在放置在他新成立的西马拉雅中心内。

9.On reaching the southeast corner of Himalaya - Tibet , it swirls cyclonically across the Yunnan Plateau .在到达喜马拉雅--西藏高原东南角处,它作气旋性转向越过云南高原。

10.Located on the southern rim of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Himalaya Mountains form an arc protruding southward.喜马拉雅山位于青藏高原南侧,呈向南突出的弧形,山脉的主要部分位于中国境内。