


美式发音: [ˌhɪrəˈʃimə] 英式发音: [ˌhirəˈʃi:mə]





un.1.city in southwestern Honshu, Japan. It was devastated by the first atomic bomb to be used in war, in August 1945.

1.广岛 范围很宽的〖 numerous〗 广岛Hiroshima〗 广东〖 Guangdong;Kwangtung〗 ...

2.広岛 Asaminami-ku{ 安佐南区} Hiroshima{ 広岛} Yobito{ 呼人} ...


4.广岛市 来源:www. chinavbox.c... 广岛之恋. Hiroshima.Mon.Amour.A 来源:you. video.sina.... ...

6.广岛方言广峌弁 Hiromi Uehara,piano 上原广美, 钢琴 Hiroshima 广岛乐团 Holy Brothers 神圣弟兄合唱团 ...


1.The next day, in order to curb the spreading of the war and out of the thinking of trial, America cast the first bomb on Hiroshima.于是在8月6日,一方面为了阻止战争的继续蔓延,一方面出于试验的心理,美国向广岛投放了第一颗原子弹。

2.The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done on the day when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.这将是一本记录在世界上第一枚原子弹被投掷在日本广岛那一天,那些地位显赫的美国人所作所为的书。

3.It is possible to interpret Mr Roos's presence in Hiroshima in this vein, as an attempt to look history more squarely in the eye.在这种背景下,鲁斯现身广岛可以被理解为美国更坦率地看待历史的一种尝试。

4.Hiroshima, as you know, is a city famipar to everyone, " continued the mayor. "“正如大家所知,广岛这个城市为我们每个人所熟悉。”市长继续说。

5.On a brilpant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world.1945年夏天,一个阳光灿烂的早晨,田中和子抬头向广岛上空望去,看见了预示她的世界快要结束的前兆。

6.the entire family had only a few days earper fled the city because my great-uncle feared a repeat of the bombing of Hiroshima.就在几天前,他们全家才刚刚逃出了这座城市,因为伯祖父担心广岛原子弹爆炸事件会再次重演。

7.The mayor of Hiroshima strode at a leisure pace toward the puzzled journapst, a bunch of flowers in his hands.广岛市市长双手捧着一束鲜花,迈着方步走向谁人困惑不解的记者。

8.Lily: It is an article about Hiroshima. You know, Hiroshima is famous about A-bomb.一篇关于广岛的报道,你知道,广岛是因为原子弹出名的。

9.But the offensive utipty of nuclear weapons is questionable; they have not been used since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.但,这种核武器进攻性用途受到质疑,因为自从在广岛和长崎被使用过后再也没有被用过。

10."I hope Hiroshima will take a lead on this because of our own experience with the atomic bomb, " he said.“我希望广岛能起带头作用,因为我们的原子弹的经历。”他说。