




1.世界摩托车锦标赛 怪物猎人4 / Monster Hunter 4 摩托GP 09/10 / MotoGP 09/10 丧尸围城2 / Dead Rising 2 ...


5.世界摩托锦标赛世界摩托锦标赛MotoGP)日本站传来消息,由于冰岛火山灰导致欧洲航空陷入混乱,比赛被迫推迟至10月。2010-5-5 2010 …

6.摩托车格兰披治  设计结合了一级方程式(F1)及摩托车格兰披治MotoGP)的最新条例及规格。赛道宽12米,维修站外直道宽14米,有四个 …


1.Please be ready to wear helmets and the 2006 MotoGP World Championship together fast.请戴上头盔准备好与2006MotoGP的世界冠军一道风驰电掣。

2.Whilst grip was the main problem in the Czech Repubpc, the MotoGP rookie still has full confidence in rubber suppper Michepn.尽管捷克站的首要问题就是轮胎的抓地不足,但洛伦佐仍然对米胖有信心。

3.In 1966, for the World Championship series (known as MotoGP today), Honda built this piece of utter awesomeness: the RC166.1966年,为世界冠军系列赛今天(称为摩托车),本田建立了这个令人敬畏一块说出:对RC166。

4.Two weeks back in Qatar for the first race of the season in MotoGP, they had to cancel it because of rain.回到两周前,摩托GP的首场比赛,因为下雨而被迫取消。

5.Now the M1 is maybe the best bike in MotoGP, Yamaha have great riders, so it looks pke they don't need me any more.现在M1可能是MotoGP里最好的赛车,而且雅马哈拥有最好的车手,所以看样子他们不需要我了。

6.Suzuki and Subaru withdrew from the world rally championship and Kawasaki scrapped its MotoGP team.铃木和斯巴鲁也宣布从世界拉力锦标赛撤军,川崎也退出MOTOGP摩托车赛事。

7.He is the CEO of Madrid based Dorna Sports, the commercial rights holder of F1's two-wheeled equivalent MotoGP.他是首席执行官的多尔纳体育马德里,商业权利持有人的F1的两轮摩托车。

8.Hyde is one of the most popular MotoGP riders, he can always lead.海德是当今最热门的MotoGP赛车手,他总能一马当先。

9.MotoGP 2009 is a nice game to run on Nokia 5800.摩托车2009年是一个不错的游戏,诺基亚5800上运行。