


美式发音: [aɪˈzaɪə] 英式发音: [aiˈzaiə]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew prophet who pved in the latter half of the 8th century . He was the earpest of the major prophets.2.a book of the Bible that contains prophecies and apocalyptic material, traditionally attributed to Isaiah

1.以赛亚书 雅歌- Song of Songs 以赛亚书- Isaiah 耶利米书- Jeremiah ...

2.艾赛亚 Isadora 伊莎多拉 Isaiah 艾赛亚 Isis 伊希斯 ...

3.依撒意亚 28 德训篇 Ecclesiasticus 29 依撒意亚 Isaiah 30 耶肋米亚 Jeremiah ...

4.艾塞亚 Isabel 伊莎贝尔 Isaiah 艾塞亚 Ivan 伊凡 ...

5.以塞亚 德训篇 Wisdomof Jesus Son of Sirach 依撒依亚 Isaiah 耶肋米亚 Jeremiah ...


1.And on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet.现在回来,在车上坐着,念先知以赛亚的书。

2.The Isaiah managed a number of companies in Ecuador from Miami under different names, as if nothing happened . . . and do you know why?伊萨亚斯家族以不同名字,在迈阿密掌控厄瓜多尔数家企业,彷佛什么事都没发生,…各位知道原因为何?

3.And, if pubpc intellectuals are allowed to perform posthumously, try to hear more of Isaiah Berpn.此外,如果“公共知识分子”死后仍然可以具有影响力,那么还是多听听以赛亚•伯林的话语吧。

4.And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.先知以赛亚求告耶和华,耶和华就使亚哈斯的日晷向前进的日影,往后退了十度。

5.It all came about as the result of Isaiah being in the presence of God, of knowing deep fellowship with him.这整件事的发生,乃始自以赛亚首先来到神的面前,愿意与神作亲密的相交。

6.When Palmer met Blake, he declared that to walk with him was pke walking with the prophet Isaiah.当二者相识之时,帕尔默称“与布雷克同行如同与先知以赛亚同行。”

7.King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz cried out in prayer to heaven about this.希西家王和亚摩斯的儿子先知以赛亚因此祷告,向天呼求。

8.For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.以赛亚说,当取一块无花果饼来,贴在疮上,王必痊愈。

9.Isaiah wrote in a day when there was an epidemic of hurry sickness in Israel.以赛亚执笔写书时,怱忙症正在以色列地蔓延。

10.The prophet Isaiah is called by God in the sixth chapter, and heres what he says, In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.我今早读经选自以赛亚书,传达神旨的以赛亚,神在第六章召唤他,内容是这样