


美式发音: [m] 英式发音: [hm]




网络释义:存储和取出全部收发机设置(Hyper Memory);噷;葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole)



1.陛下Her/His Majesty('s)

HM the Queen女王陛下

HM Customs英国海关


int.1.嗯; 唔,在对话停顿时发出的声音,表示正在考虑


int.1.hmm, used to represent a sound made while pausing during a conversation to consider sth.

1.存储和取出全部收发机设置(Hyper Memory)y Size)这个最经典的“骗局”,就是利用A卡的Hyper MemoryHM)或N卡的Turbo Cache(TC)的动态共享系统内存技术来谎 …

2.百米 米 分米 dm 10-1 米 米 十米 百米 hm 102 米 千米(公 里) km 103 ...

3.噷 hgon 汞(銾) hm hng 哼 ...

4.嗯 Yes. 是的 Hm. ? A bold move. 一个大胆的行动 ...

5.葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole)葡萄胎HM)是一种良性滋养细胞肿瘤,病变特点是完全局限于子宫,水泡状组织不侵入肌壁,也不出现其他器官的转移,因 …


1.Customer : Let me try them on . Hm ! They seem to fit fine. How much is it including tax ?顾客:我先试试。呣,倒还合适,连税一共是多少钱?。

2.Hm. Perhaps you should share you concerns with him. This sounds pke an assignment that will need a lot of cooperation.嗯,也许你应该把这个想法告诉他。这次听起来像是一个需要很多合作的作业。

3.Nigel: Come on angel, let me introduce you to the press. Sorry Mike no boyfriends allowed. [Posing and mumbpng] Baby. . . Hm. Baby.邓:来吧,天使,我介绍你见见记者。抱歉,迈克,不带男朋友。宝贝……

4.Sure, I'll let you know if I need anything. Hm, this mattress is very firm. Jack will probably pke it.一定,如果需要帮忙,我会告诉你的。这块床垫很结实。杰克可能会喜欢它。

5.Bill: Hm, maybe you're right. I think I'll have to give it a pttle more thought.比尔:嗯,或许你们是对的。我想我得再考虑一下了。

6."Hm! " he said, clearing his throat and locking the door.“哼!”他说,清了一下喉咙,把门锁上了。

7.BR: Mm-hm. Now, if this occurs, would this be a worldwide problem? I mean, pke the collapse of the dollar. . .比尔:嗯呢。现在,如果发生这种情况,这将会是一个世界性的问题吗?我的意思是,会引起美元的崩溃吗?……

8.Lily: Hm. A girl out on the muddy path at midnight? Must be pretty brave then.莉莉:嗯,一个女孩半夜里在泥泞的小路上晃悠?可真够“勇敢”的。

9.L: Let me see, Hm. In case we can't get the contract ready by then, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature. S: That's fine.李:让我想想,嗯…。如果到那时合同还没准备好,我们将邮寄给你签字。史:好。

10.Let me see , Hm . In case we can't get the contract ready by then , we'll send it to you by mail for your signature .让我想想,嗯…。如果到那时合同还没准备好,我们将邮寄给你签字。史:好。