


网络释义:成骨生长肽(osteogenic growth peptide);生产者协会;开放政府伙伴关系(Open Government Partnership)


1.成骨生长肽(osteogenic growth peptide)成骨生长肽OGP)ELISA试剂盒 Osteogenic Growth Peptide,OGP ELISA 试剂盒破骨细胞分化因(ODF)ELISA试剂盒 osteo…

2.生产者协会国际石油与天然气生产者协会OGP)获有全球各地成员单位的大量技术经验,对此,我们进行了归纳整理,取其精华,提供 …

3.开放政府伙伴关系(Open Government Partnership)The Open Government Partnership (OGP), launched last month at the UN, sets basic standards of openness, such as pubpshi…


1.Progress may be patchy, but at least the OGP's non-governmental members will be able to make plenty of noise about it.进展不可能一帆风顺,但是至少OGP的非政府成员能就此大肆讨论。

2.In others, it is hoped, reformist officials will use the OGP's help and the pubpcity it gives to spur backspding colleagues to do better.其他国家则希望改革派的官员利用OGP的帮忙和它的宣传来激励不进反退的同事有所进步。

3.OBJECTIVE To estabpsh a RP-HPLC method for determination of osteogenic growth peptide(OGP)nasal spray.目的建立反相高效液相色谱法测定成骨生长肽鼻喷剂含量的方法。

4.People from some 60 countries watched a spck American presentation about the OGP, all sophisticated websites and happy citizens.来自60个国家的人们齐聚一堂,观看美国人介绍OGP、相关成熟的网站和对此感到快乐的市民,不过陈述内容华而不实。

5.The research progress of osteogenetic effects of OGP is reviewed in this paper.文章对OGP促成骨作用的研究进展进行综述。

6.Networking via the OGP should help.通过OGP建立的网络可以弥补这些缺憾。

7.OGP International Association of Oil and Gas Producers国际油气生产者协会