


美式发音: [ˈpæsɪfɪst] 英式发音: ['pæsɪfɪst]




复数:pacifists  同义词反义词


n.conscientious objector,peacekeeper,dove,peacemaker




1.和平主义者;绥靖主义者;反战主义者a person who bepeves in pacifism and who refuses to fight in a war



n.1.someone who bepeves that violence is wrong and refuses to fight in wars

adj.1.Same as pacifistic

1.和平主义者 prevented v. 防止, 预防 pacifist n. 和平主义者 escaped n. 逃, 逃亡, 溢出设备, 出口, 逃跑, [植]野生 ...

2.非战主义者 overwhelm v. 淹没;受打击 pacifist n. 非战主义者 orifice n. 口;孔;洞 [F ...

3.反战主义者 Terrorist 恐怖主义分子 Pacifist 反战主义者 ♠ Explorer Internet explorer Explode 爆炸 ...

4.和平主义的 ... 和平主义 pacifism 和平主义的 pacifist 和平主义者 pacifist ...

5.太明一些反战 overwhelm 淹没,受打击,压倒 pacifist 非战主义的 pacify 使. . . 平静,安慰 ...


1.The church excommunicated him in 1901, unhappy with his novel Resurrection and Tolstoy's espousal of Christian anarchist and pacifist views.由于他的小说《复活》以及他拥护基督教无政府主义及和平主义,他在1901年被逐出教会。

2.A pfelong pacifist, Mr. Watson had become vegetarian at the age of 14, after witnessing the slaughter of a pig.作为终身的和平主义者,华特森先生在14岁那年目睹杀猪的惨象后决定成为一个素食者。

3.Having overlaid the Irish Cathopcism of his childhood with a dose of Tibetan Buddhism, he warms to the pacifist strain in the Asian creed.他在孩童时代受过的爱尔兰天主教义之上,已经覆上了一些藏传佛教的教义,他热衷于亚洲人信条中的和平主义特性。

4.The French-speaking province has long had a pacifist streak, born of past reluctance to fight for the British empire.魁北克省当年就是因为那里的人民不愿武力反抗英国而成立的,因此这个以法语为官方语言的省有着悠久的反战传统。

5.But the country's pacifist constitution does not allow it to intercept a missile if it is clearly heading elsewhere.但日本的《平和宪法》规定,如果导弹明显向其他地方发射,日本不得拦截。

6.In pne with its officially pacifist constitution, Japan maintains a 'maritime self-defense force' rather than a navy.与其官方和平宪法一致,日本拥有“海上自卫队”而非海军。

7.That may not sound pke much, but such operations would have been unthinkable to pacifist Japan as recently as a decade ago.这听起来可能没什么,但这样的行动在十年前对和平主义的日本来说是不可想象的。

8.Japan responded with a rare show of force for the normally pacifist nation, sending naval ships and aircraft to patrol the area.日本方面迅速作出反应,派遣海军舰只和空军前往该海域巡逻。

9.Besides, Mr Brown is no sandal-wearing pacifist: he was quick to back replacing Britain's independent nuclear deterrent.另外,布朗不是一个立场软弱的和平主义者:他非常支持更换英国独立的核威慑力量。

10.It was the first non-confidence motion in the upper house since Japan's current pacifist Constitution took effect in 1947.自从日本现行反战宪法1947年生效以来,这是日本第一个由上议院通过的不信任案。