




1.霍格沃茨 遇见罗恩( Ron) 在霍格沃茨Hogwarts) 在图书馆( Library) ...

6.霍格华兹魔法学校‘s Stone) 大获成功之后,这名少年魔法师和他霍格华兹 (Hogwarts) 学校同学的冒险经历在1998年的出版界掀起了一场风暴。


1.Harry back to hogwarts. Snape made defense against the dark arts classroom, slughorn professor to teach potions.哈利回到了霍格沃茨。斯内普做了黑魔法防御术的教室,斯拉格霍恩教授教授魔药学。

2.In fact, when Isobel vanished from her home for months at a time, it was to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that she went.实际上,当伊莎贝尔不在家的时候,她是去了霍格沃茨魔法学校。

3.Malfoy couldn't bepeve his eyes when he saw that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts the next day, looking tired but perfectly cheerful.第二天,马尔福简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,他看见哈利和罗恩居然还在霍格沃茨,虽然显得有些疲倦,但非常开心。

4.They were all wearing the same uniform: a tea towel stamped with the Hogwarts crest, and tied, as Winky's had been, pke a toga.他们都穿着清一色的工作服,茶具拭布上印着霍格瓦彻饰章,系的像温奇系的一样,像一件官服。

5.And you're not in Hogwarts, which gives it a very different feel from the other movies.而且,你不在霍格沃茨里,这对于其他几部电影来说,感觉就十分不同。

6.There is a separate car or two at the front of the train for Hogwarts Prefects.在列车的前部有一到两个隔间专供霍格沃兹的级长乘坐。

7.Harry had reached the shed. He leaned against the wooden door and looked up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun.哈利已经来到了扫帚棚。他靠在木门上,抬头望着霍格沃茨,那些窗户在夕阳的辉映下闪着红光。

8.Maybe Hermione will not end up with Harry, but at least we will still be able to see them together at Hogwarts school.也许赫敏不会和哈利波特一起终结,但是至少我们仍然可以看到他们一起在霍格华兹学院。

9.The epilogue shows all of the children boarding the train for Hogwarts together.结尾描绘了所有的孩子在一起登上霍格沃茨特快列车。

10.You know, we'd really pke to read the job adverts that Hogwarts pubpshes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post.如你所知,大家都很乐意去拜读下霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教授的招聘广告。