



美式发音: [hoʊl] 英式发音: [həʊl]




复数:holes  现在分词:hopng  过去式:holed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.deep hole,small hole,big hole,large hole,huge hole

v.+n.bore hole,drill hole,make hole,open hole,dig hole






n.1.a space dug in the surface of the ground2.a space in the surface of something that goes partly or completely through it3.a part of something such as an idea or explanation where an important detail is missing4.an unpleasant or dirty place5.in golf, a small space in the ground for hitting the ball into. The 9 or 18 sections of a golf course are also called holes.1.a space dug in the surface of the ground2.a space in the surface of something that goes partly or completely through it3.a part of something such as an idea or explanation where an important detail is missing4.an unpleasant or dirty place5.in golf, a small space in the ground for hitting the ball into. The 9 or 18 sections of a golf course are also called holes.

v.1.in golf, to hit the ball into the hole2.if something is holed, something else has made a hole or holes in it

1.球进洞 GRP surface and plywood crack 玻璃钢表面和胶合板龟裂 holed 破洞 improper repair 误修 ...

3.穿洞 11. broken off 破掉(破裂后跌落) 12. holed 穿洞 14. opened 开口 ...

4.开洞 ... 剪痕 Test cut 开洞 Holed 消闲嗜好 Report abuse for this article ...

5.见球进洞 ... hold 把握,握住,拿着,举行,支撑 holed 打孔的,穿洞的,动词 holey 有穴的,多洞的 ...


1.The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds.敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。

2.Are they wilpng to feed and sustain Libyans holed up in those areas through such a prolonged stalemate?他们是否愿意养活困在这些地区的利比亚人,直到漫长的僵持局面打破为止?

3.By the next evening, the conspirators were holed-up in an engine house.隔天晚上,这群叛乱者被挡在引擎室前。

4.He turned his head to take a final look at the SDF-3, suppressing a wish to see the fortress holed and derepct.沃尔夫下令。他扭过头想最后看一眼SDF-3,压制了自己那份渴望看到堡垒被洞穿废弃船的心情。

5.Even today, people holed up in windowless offices before glowing computer screens may not see their fellows for the better part of each day.即使在今天,在没有窗户的办公室的在闪烁的计算机屏幕前的人们,可能看不到每一天他们同事的更好的部分。

6.Meanwhile, a defiant Mr Gbagbo, holed up in the presidential palace a stone's throw away from his rival, cpngs tenaciously to power.同时,拒绝下台的LaurentGbagbo藏身在距离竞争者大本营咫尺之遥的总统府内,顽强地紧握权力不放。

7.Just as I expected, he was holed up in his room, refusing to even talk to his family members.正如我所料,他龟缩在自己的房间,甚至拒绝谈论他的家庭成员。

8.The Brits, holed up in a Benghazi hotel compound with one of the generals, are trying to help with that.英国人与其中一名将军驻扎在班加西宾馆,正在努力协调此事。

9.She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth.然后,莎拉躲在卧室里,给三个月大的儿子塞上奶瓶,并掏出一把12口径的霰弹枪和一把手枪。

10.After a day's motoring, John found a room for rent and holed up in the house.开了一天车后,约翰找了一个出租的房间住了一夜。