




1.霍尔格 ... Martine 法国 Holger 丹麦 Petri 芬兰 ...

5.侯爵 ... Holden 侯登 Holger 侯爵 Homer 霍默 ...

6.比利时 ... David 比利时 Holger 比利时 Alexey 俄罗斯联邦 ...

7.豪格在北美地区他是沃尔多(Waldo)、在印度叫做海地(Hetti)、在丹麦又成了豪格(Holger),法国人则管他叫做查理(Charpe)。不管是 …


1.He succeeds Holger Neumann, who took over the position of head of the printing plates technical apppcation department.他将接替霍尔格诺依曼,谁接手的立场团长印版技术应用部门。

2.Holger Czukay, co-founder of the legendary rock band CAN, comes floating into his studio pke a UFO from another planet.霍佳‧苏凯是传奇的摇滚乐团「罐头」的组团元老之一,就像一架幽浮从别的星球漂进他的工作室。

3.The prospect of higher official eurozone borrowing costs could already have hit sentiment, Holger Schmieding at Bank of America said.美国银行(BankofAmerica)分析师霍格尔•施米丁(HolgerSchmieding)表示,欧元区官方借贷成本上升的前景可能已打击了市场人气。

4.Even after entering NBA, every summer, Nowitzki would fly back to hometown to train himself with Holger.即使登陆了NBA,诺维茨基每年夏天都会飞回家乡和霍尔格一同训练。

5."German growth is much more balanced, " says Holger Schmieding of Berenberg Bank.“德国增长(比其他国家)平衡得多。”贝伦贝格银行的HolgerSchmieding说。

6."This is a great thing for smaller location services, " said Foursquare's Holger Luedorf.“这对于小规模的地位服务是个好消息,”Foursquare的HolgerLuedorf说。