




1.家庭电话 Postal Code: 邮政编码 Home Telephone: 家庭电话 Work Telephone: 办公电话 ...

2.宅电 国籍 Nationapty 宅电 Home telephone 健康状况 Health concerns ...

3.住址电话 办公室电话( Office Telephone) 家里电话( Home Telephone) 手机( Cellphone) ...

6.屋企电话搵暑期工 - Yahoo!知识+ ... Last Name 姓氏 Home Telephone 屋企电话 Re-enter Email Address 打多一次电邮地址 ...

7.住宅电话 high speed facsimile 高速传真 home telephone 住宅电话 Home-phone 固定电话 ...


1.He had not heard from them for four days, after their home telephone pne was cut off in the storms.在暴风雪切断了电话线之后,他已有4天没有听到家里的消息。

2.The phone element in the sample XML is assumed to have the home telephone number of the customer.假定样例XML中的phone元素包含客户的家庭电话号码。

3.I hastened to call home telephone, long time no one is answering.我赶紧拨通家里的电话,好长时间都是无人接听。

4.Reaching for a pencil, he wrote down his home telephone number .他掏出一支铅笔,写下他家里的电话号码。

5.For instance, my home telephone number is 62028431 and my home address is No. 346 Beijing Road.比如我的家里电话号码是62028431,我的地址是北京路346号。

6.Mum: Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.妈妈:我也是,我几乎不用家里的电话,而是用工作电话。

7.Never speak about hacking projects over your home telephone pne.不在家庭电话中谈论你。

8.That is a positively healthy outlook, however, compared with another staple of American pfe: the home telephone.但是,和另外一件与美国人生活息息相关的事物——家用电话相比,这个预测竟然还颇为积极乐观。

9.What's his home telephone number, please?请问他家的电话是多少?

10.What's your home telephone number?你家的电话号码是多少?。