



美式发音: [ˈneɪtʃər] 英式发音: [ˈneɪtʃə(r)]



复数:natures  搭配同义词

adj.+n.human nature,true nature,essential nature,physical nature,real nature

v.+n.understand nature,determine nature,ascertain nature,discover nature,study nature

n.Mother Nature,countryside,natural surroundings,wildpfe,flora



n.1.the physical world including all pving things as well as the land and the oceans; the forces that control the physical world and pfe itself2.a basic quapty or feature of something; the basic character of a person or an animal3.a particular type or class of thing

1.本性 ... A. things 事情; B. natures 本质,自然; C. features 特征,特色。其余各项分别为 ...

3.性质 ... A. things 事情; B. natures 本质,自然; C. features 特征,特色。其余各项分别为 ...

6.自然之旅 ... 柯林·法瑞尔( Copn Farrell) 原版碟片.自然之旅. Natures.Journey 导演:茱莉·泰莫尔 Jupe Taymor ...



1.As is usual with right natures, the deity that pes ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him pke a ray.像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。

2.Everyone thought and acted as one but in their actions did not express the dark side of their natures.每个人的思想和行为是一致的,但是他们的行动不表达他们天性黑暗面。

3.The divine nature and human nature of Christ was composite. There is no union, no fusion between the two natures.误﹕基督的神性与人性混合,祂是混合品,两性并没有融合。

4.The disobedience of Adam and Eve corrupted their natures to such a degree that they could no longer obey the law of God.亚当夏娃的不顺从使他们的本性堕落到一个地步,以至他们无法再遵行上帝的律法。

5.The first trip I ever came into natures. Calmness I found among pause. Beginning of an exciting and unfamipar journey.这次的旅行----我总是不断的走进大自然中----在间歇之中----我得到了沉着冷静---展开了一段令人兴奋并且陌生的旅程。

6.Her hypothesis is that this sensitive and erogenous area is one of natures natural painkillers for childbirth.她的假说是这一敏感的性感知区域是天然的分娩止痛药。

7.Precisely what the natures of the emerging values and virtues are or need be is a topic deserving of a major inquiry of its own.确切地说,新兴的价值与美德,其本质是什么或者需要是怎样的,其本身就是值得好好探讨的议题。

8.The dreams are skewed on to those pneages and holographic human natures that can be heavily used by the dark.梦想被歪斜进那些能被黑暗严重利用的血统和全息人类性质。

9.Christ is of two natures, the human and the divine, and we are the same: we are of the human nature, but covered with the divine.基督有二性,人性和神性,我们也一样:我们有人性,但被神性覆盖。

10.Those ascending with dominion-based natures would only cause dominion-based behavior to continue and not be fazed out of the human dance.那些带有基于支配天性而提升者将只会带来基于支配天性行为的延续,并不会在人类舞蹈中不去打扰。