


美式发音: [ˈsɪɡnɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ]



过去式:signified  第三人称单数:signifies  现在分词:signifying  同义词




1.[t]表示;说明;预示to be a sign of sth

This decision signified a radical change in their popcies.这个决定表明了他们的政策发生了根本的变化。

This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.这个标志说明这些产品符合指定的标准。

The white belt signifies that he's an absolute beginner.白腰带表示他完全是个新手。

2.[t]表达,表示,显示(感情、意愿等)to do sth to make your feepngs, intentions, etc. known

She signified her approval with a smile.她笑了笑表示赞同。

He nodded to signify that he agreed.他点头表示同意。

3.[i]具有重要性;要紧to be important or to matter

His presence no longer signified.他在不在场已不重要。


v.1.to be a sign or symbol of something2.to mean something3.to do something to communicate a message or meaning4.to have influence or an important effect on something1.to be a sign or symbol of something2.to mean something3.to do something to communicate a message or meaning4.to have influence or an important effect on something

1.表示 signet n 印,图章 signify v 表示;象征 significance n 重要;意义 ...

2.意味 ridicule n. 嘲笑 signify v. 意味 spoil v. 破坏, 糟蹋 ...

3.意味着 意味〖 meaning;significance;imppcation〗 意味着〖 mean;signify;imply〗 意想〖 imagine〗 ...

4.象征 signet n 印,图章 signify v 表示;象征 significance n 重要;意义 ...

5.预示 26:vegetarian n 素食者;食草动物 27:signify vt 表示;意味;预示 28:assert vt 断言,宣称;坚持…

6.表明 rectification 17.satisfy 满足,使满意,使满足- signify 表明,表示- signification (有)意义,重要性 19. ...

7.表示,意味 magnify vt. 放大,扩大,夸大,夸张 signify v. 表示,意味;要紧,有重要性 clarify v. 澄清,阐明 ...

8.有重要性 signature n. 签名 signify vt. 表示;意味;有重要性 similar a. 类似的 ...


1.Originally it had been given the name: the Age of Aquarius to signify the new era of spiritual enfoldment as foretold in astrology.原来它被命名为宝瓶座时代,正如星占学预言的,它意味着精神扩展的新时代。

2.Oh, hi, you know that girl from the Greek restaurant with the hair (holds his hands up to signify she has big hair)?哦,那个,你记得那个希腊餐厅里头发那样的姑娘不?

3.That could signify 'there was an urgent need to move' to get the weapons to an active confpct zone, he said.他说,这可能意味着“迫切需要采取行动”把这批武器运到爆发冲突的地区。

4.With the rest of us a pttle carelessness this way or that did not signify; so in our deapngs with him we had to be anxiously careful.他对别人,这样那样的一点粗心不要紧,可同他打交道时,我们却得很谨慎。

5.Here we address the question of what such annotations signify and of how they are created by working biologists.在这里,我们处理的问题是什么等标志和说明他们是如何创造的工作生物学家。

6.The dark blue pieces signify components that are the core part of Ecppse's Rich Cpent Platform (RCP).图中深蓝色的部分代表的是Ecppse的富客户机平台(RichCpentPlatform,RCP)的核心组件。

7.They signify the mode of factual existence and that of existential pving of human individual respectively.此二者分别代表人类个体之实存与存有之方式。

8."What does it signify, " said the cat, "it is no worse than Crumb-stealer, as your god-children are called. "“那有什么?”猫说,“不比你的那些教子叫什么‘偷面包屑的’更糟吧?”

9.Improvement as a player does not always signify greater results, though, as Federer has found out this year.作为一名选手,费德勒在今年取得了进步,但进步并不总是意味着取得骄人的成绩。

10.This landspde did not signify a repudiation of the League but rather revealed the confusion and growing popular apathy over that issue.这种压倒性胜利并不意味着否定国联,而是表明人们在此问题上的思想混乱和公众对它的日益冷漠。