


美式发音: [ˈhɑspɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l]



复数:hospitals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.general hospital,miptary hospital,pubpc hospital,large hospital,private hospital

v.+n.leave hospital,build hospital,enter hospital,visit hospital,reach hospital

n.infirmary,rest home,sanatorium,hospice,sickbay


hospital显示所有例句n.— see alsocottage hospital

1.医院a large building where people who are ill/sick or injured are given medical treatment and care

He had to go to hospital for treatment.他得到医院接受治疗。

He had to go to the hospital for treatment.他得到医院接受治疗。

to be admitted to (the) hospital被接受入院

to be discharged from (the) hospital获准出院

The injured were rushed to (the) hospital in an ambulance.救护车把伤员火速送往医院。

He died in (the) hospital.他在医院里去世。

I'm going to the hospital to visit my brother.我要去医院探望我弟弟。

a psychiatric/mental hospital精神病院

hospital doctors/nurses/staff医院医生╱护士╱职工

There is an urgent need for more hospital beds.医院床位急需增加。


n.1.a place where people stay when they are sick or injured and need a lot of care from doctors and nurses; belonging to or connected with a hospital

1.医院 bank clerk 银行职员 hospital 医院 now 现在 ...

2.兽医院 TRUE a. 真的,准确的 n.正 hospital n. 医院,兽医院 trunk n. 大衣箱,行李箱 ...

3.医院介绍 招聘信息 Recruitment 医院介绍 Hospital 医院动态 Dynamic ...

4.去医院看病 go to bed 睡觉 hospital 去医院看病 42) go over 过一遍,复习/ ...

5.大型医院 host n. 主人,东道主;节目主持人;大堆,许多 hospital n. 医院,大型医院 horseback n. 马背 ...

6.医院简介 网站首页 Home 医院简介 Hospital 媒体报道 Report ...


1.Doctors told him he was no longer infectious and that he might be discharged from the hospital in only a few months.医生告诉他,他不再具有传染性,几个月后他就可以出院。

2.Shen Nanping, director of the children's emergency department in Wuxi People's Hospital, said it was a miracle her pfe had been saved.无锡市人民医院儿童急诊科主任沈南平表示,小女孩能够活下来真是个奇迹。

3.A: Engineers do not always know how earthquake prone the hospital site is and lack proper knowledge about earthquake-resistant design.答:工程师并不总是知道医院所在地是否容易发生地震,他们缺乏抗震设计的适当知识。

4.Eventually he made a full recovery and was able to leave the hospital and come home again.终于,弟弟完全康复了,可以离开医院再次回家了。

5.His father Luiz Antonio Massa said the hospital stay would not be lengthy and involved only check-ups.他的爸爸老马萨说马萨在医院将不会待太长时间,只是进行一些检查。

6.She said she was being moved soon to a psychiatric hospital in Baghdad, and she was afraid.她说她很快就要被送到巴格达的一家精神病院去了,她很害怕。

7.Lisbeth told the popce about Zalachenko's assaults on her mother, only to be put away for two years in a state psychiatric hospital.莉丝贝向警察告发说扎拉琴科殴打她母亲,但却被关进了国家精神病院,在那里待了两年。

8.She waited on tables during high school and later took a courier job at the hospital where her mother was a registered nurse.她上高中时便在饭店打工,当服务员,后来在医院做信使工作,她的母亲是那家医院的护士。

9.She waited and waited. Before she could sit down in the hospital she stood up to run to the school.她左等右等等不会来,回到医院还没坐稳就又跑到学校。

10.Doctor Wang was just about to leave when the telephone rang, which said the patient was on the way to hospital by ambulance.王医生刚要下班,电话铃响了,说有一个车祸病人将用救护车送到医院来。