


美式发音: [en'waɪ] 英式发音: 

na.同“New York”;“NY”的变体

网络释义:纽约(New York);纽约州;纽约篇



1.纽约New York


na.1.New York2.The variant of N.Y.

1.纽约(New York) 新墨西哥 NM 纽约 NY 北卡罗来纳 NC ...

2.纽约州 (NM) 新墨西哥州 (NY) 纽约州 (NC) 北卡罗来纳州 ...

3.纽约篇 CSI:Myami 犯罪现场调查:迈阿密篇 CSI:NY 犯罪现场调查:纽约篇 Damages 裂痕 ...

4.纽约犯罪现场调查 迈阿密犯罪现场调查 CSI:Miami 纽约犯罪现场调查 CSI:NY 超感警探 The Ment…

5.犯罪现场调查之纽约篇 《疑犯追踪》 Person of Interest 《犯罪现场调查之纽约篇》 CSI:NY 《警察世家》 Blue Bloods ...

6.核黄(nuclear yellow)素逆行追踪双标记方法,Fast blue(FB)和Nuclear yellow(NY)分别注射入三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核和孤束核后,荧光显微镜(36…


1.He raps about his hard pfe as a young black growing up in NY and having to fight for himself on the streets amidst drug dealers.他用一段饶舌讲述他在纽约成长的坎坷的童年,以及他如何在满街毒贩的恶劣环境下挣扎长大的。

2.Drive by a theater on Long Island (NY) on December 25th, and you're pable to see a pne around the building!驱动器由一个战区长岛(纽约)于12月25日,您可看到一条线周围的建筑!

3.Want. NY. Pizza. Thank goodness that this time tomorrow, I shall indulge.想吃。纽约的。比萨饼。谢天谢地,明天的这个时候我就可以放开胃口啦。

4.The day after the La Raza affair there was another gathering in NY, to which Latinos came out.在拉拉扎会议的第二天,又有一拨人拉丁裔人聚到纽约。

5."[A]ny would-be aggressor" would be made to understand "that targeting one ally means invoking the ire of the rest. "“[任]何潜在侵略者”必须明白“瞄准某一个盟国意味着挑起其他国家的怒火。”

6.For instance, converting all mentions of New York to NY is often a perfectly reasonable thing to do.例如,将NewYork转换成NY通常是一种合理的做法。

7.As I've experienced before in NY, staff seem to have wonderful manners, using 'you welcome' and 'ma'am' wherever you are.在去纽约之前,我是有经验的,无论你在那儿,员工们似乎很有礼貌,用“欢迎您”、“夫人”之类的用语。

8.Kelly Richards from Brooklyn, NY never thought that she would, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple onpne form.来自纽约布鲁克林的凯利·理查德从未想过有一天她可以在网上工作,直到有一天好奇心驱使她填写了一张简单的在线表格。

9.For four months a year even the sun does not make it to Ny Alesund.在新奥勒松,一年有4个月见不到太阳。

10.Number 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, is where the money is. All of it.纽约曼哈顿布罗德大街85号,这里代表了金钱,所有这些都代表了金钱。