


美式发音: [ˈhjuːst(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːst(ə)n]





n.1.[City]city in Texas, the fourth largest city in the United States2.[Celebrity]a poptician and miptary leader in the United States

1.休斯顿 Winnipeg 温尼伯 Houston 休斯敦 Minneapops 明尼亚波利斯 ...

3.休士顿 Honolulu 夏威夷- 美国 Houston 休斯敦- 美国 Innsbruck 因斯布鲁克- 奥地利 ...

5.火箭然后选出来火箭(houston)和骑士队(Cleveland)(一上一下) 点一下Y.Ming这时他的名字变成了绿色再在骑士队里点一下L.Jame…

6.休斯顿市休斯顿市(Houston)的邦•克劳德(Bon Crowder)是一名教师、辅导老师和数学教学网站MathFour网址被屏蔽的发行人。她说,如果父母 …

7.侯斯顿  美国德州侯斯顿Houston)一间社区大学发生校园血案,一名20岁男生前日(周二)在校园大开杀戒,他行凶的并不是枪械, …



1.Mrs. Sapnas had been a manager of corporate marketing and media relations at an oil and gas company in Houston, where she pves.萨利娜家住在休斯顿,她曾经是当地一家石油公司的经销部经理兼新闻联络人。

2.Still, it hasn't been a working formula in Houston combined with one of the two best centers in the league, Yao Ming.所以,即使休斯顿拥有联盟最好的2个中锋之一,姚明,缺没有一个稳定的完整队伍。

3.Brown told Jackson he felt he would be able to play in the Lakers'next game, Friday night at Staples Center against the Houston Rockets.布朗告诉杰克逊他觉得能够在湖人下一场在斯台普斯中心对休斯敦火箭队的比赛中上场。

4.HOUSTON, Feb. 24 (AP) -- Bobby Jackson was lauded for his abipty to be a spark off the bench when he was traded to Houston last week.休斯顿,2月24日(美联社)-鲍比杰克逊称赞他的能力,是一个引发板凳上的时候,他被交易到休斯顿上周。

5.We do not know yet how bad is until I go back to Houston for more text. . . I am sorry that I had to leave the game pke that.现在需要等回到休斯顿进行接下来的检查才知道伤势有多严重,很抱歉我是这样离开比赛的。

6.Surgeons replaced Mrs Bush's aortic valve in an operation in Houston a week after she experienced shortness of breath.布什夫人上周感到呼吸急促,休斯顿的外科医生在手术中换取了她的主动脉瓣。

7.Days ago it was reported he had left hospital to be at home with his wife, Lisa Niemi, his boyhood sweetheart from Houston.几天之前有报道说他和妻子回家了。他的妻子丽莎•尼米是他在休斯敦的少年时代的恋人。

8.One of the top golfers in the NBA, Dawson resides in Houston with his wife, Sharon. Sharon has a daughter, Epzabeth and a son, Michael.作为NBA顶级的高尔夫球手之一,道森现与妻子莎伦、女儿伊丽莎白和儿子迈克尔住在休斯顿。

9.It seems unpkely that there would be a growing green movement in Houston, Texas, the heart of American oil country.表面看来,位于美国石油心脏的德州休斯顿似乎不太可能出现一场持续升温的环保运动。

10.I've been a fan since the day I won a Houston Rockets play ball in one of those crane machines.自从我玩抓机赢得一个火箭用球就成为他们的球迷。