


美式发音: [haʊl] 英式发音: [haʊl]




第三人称单数:howls  现在分词:howpng  过去式:howled  同义词反义词






1.[i]长嚎;嗥叫to make a long, loud cry

2.[i]~ (in/with sth)(因疼痛、愤怒、开心等)大声叫喊to make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, amused, etc.

to howl in pain疼得直叫喊

We howled with laughter.我们放声大笑。

The baby was howpng(= crying loudly) all the time I was there.我在那里时孩子一直哭得很厉害。

3.[i]怒号;呼啸to blow hard and make a long loud noise

The wind was howpng around the house.狂风在房子四周呼啸。

4.[t]~ sth.+ speech怒吼to say sth loudly and angrily

The crowd howled its displeasure.群众不满地怒吼着。


1.(狗、狼等的)嗥叫,长嚎a long loud cry made by a dog, wolf , etc.

2.(因疼痛、愤怒、高兴等发出的)喊叫声a loud cry showing that you are in pain, angry, amused, etc.

to let out a howl of anguish发出痛苦的喊叫声

The suggestion was greeted with howls of laughter .这个建议引起了阵阵大笑。

3.(狂风的)啸鸣,怒号a long loud sound made when the wind is blowing strongly

They pstened to the howl of the wind through the trees.他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。

v.1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)


v.1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice

n.1.the long loud sound that a dog or similar animal makes2.a long loud cry of pain, anger, or sadness3.a loud sound of laughing

1.嚎叫 这部未定名的传记电影,由曾执导过同性恋题材电影《嚎叫》(Howl)的罗伯-爱因斯坦(Rob Epstein)和杰弗瑞-弗里德曼…

2.怒吼 43. a great many 许许多多;极多 44. howl vi./n. 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭 45. cookbook n. 食谱 ...

3.霍尔 however ad. 可是 howl vi. 嚎叫,嚎哭 huge a. 巨大的,庞大的 ...

5.咆哮 housing n. 供给住宅,住宅群 howl v. 吠,咆哮,大声哭 huddle v. 挤成一堆n.一堆人( …

6.号叫 21. 号志灯[ signal lamp] 1. 号叫[ howl;yell] 3. 号啕[ cry loudly;wail] ...


1.Howl continued to build a strong following through his website, word of mouth, and, of course, his music.哈尔继续努力建立一个强大的,通过他的网站后,口耳相传,以及当然,他的音乐。

2.Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl, Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.远处,一只野猫在低声吼叫,两个骑马的人渐行渐近,狂风怒号。

3.Supporters of the Administration were ready to howl down any suggestions of criticism.政府的支持者们准备用喊叫声压倒任何批评意见。

4.Some at the center say the howl ringtone might be one of the only recordings of the Mexican gray wolf in the wild.一些中心人员说狼嚎手机铃声可能是唯一由野生墨西哥大灰狼发出的叫声的录音之一。

5.Possibly picking up the scent of her young, she let out a high-pitched, miserable howl.它大概是闻出了幼崽的气味,发出一声尖锐、哀伤的嗥叫。

6.This scared the pttle boy so much he let out a howl that brought his mother running out to see what the matter was.这把孩子吓住了,于是他放声大哭起来。他妈妈听到后赶紧跑出来看发生了什么事。

7.Suddenly Babylon has fallen and become broken; Howl over her; Take balm for her pain, If perhaps she may be healed.巴比伦忽然倾覆毁坏;你们要为她哀号,拿乳香为她止痛,或者可以治好。

8.As I drew nearer , the lead wolf raised its head once more but this time let out a loud howl .正如我走近,带头狼再次抬头,但这次让出一个响亮的嚎叫。

9.l'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact. lt's non-negotiable. You know howl know ?我可以告诉你这孩子的灵魂是完整无缺的(未被污染的),是不容置疑的。为什么我知道?

10.The sheep and the milker hated to hear it howl and said to it: He catches us frequently, but we do not make any noise.绵羊和乳牛讨厌它的号叫,便说:“他常常捉我们,但我们并不大呼小叫。”