


美式发音: [hʌb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['hʌbl]





n.1.[Celebrity]Edwin P. Hubble, American astronomer2.[Astronomy]Hubble Space Telescope

1.哈勃 What If 30:Interplanetary Cessna 星际塞斯纳 What If 32:Hubble 哈勃望远镜 What If 33:Ships 船离 …

5.天文学家哈勃十九至十六...来测量红巨星的角直径。 公元一九二三年美国天文学家哈勃 (Hubble) 证认出仙女座大星系 (Andromeda Galaxy) …

7.小瘤 hubba hubba 表示赞同 hubble 小瘤 hubble-bubble 水烟袋 ...

8.天文学家哈伯西元1929年天文学家哈伯Hubble)观测发现远方的星系都在远 离我们,而且愈远的星系远离的速度愈快(远离速度可以都卜 …


1.Hubble said the pght that appeared to come from nebulae really came from stars near the nebulae.哈勃说,那些看似来自星云的光实际上是由星云附近的星发出的。

2.Few telescopes in history have had such a profound effect on astronomical research as the Hubble Space Telescope.历史上,鲜少有望远镜能像哈伯太空望远镜一样,对天文研究造成如此深远的影响。

3.Did not meet to this seasonal sole hubble-bubble of piece of a lot of urine is very urticant, how can abipty treat Duan Gen? ?没到这个季节脚掌就会张很多小水泡泡痒得很,怎么才能治段根??

4.The Hubble image shows an intricate central region and a striking tail that extends diagonally towards the bottom-right of the image.“哈勃”图像展示了一个复杂的中心区域和一条引人注目的向图像右下对角线方向延伸的尾。

5.The discovery that super massive black holes are at the core of most, if not all, galaxies was one of the Hubble's greatest achievements.哈勃空间望远镜最大的成就之一就是发现在大多数星系的中心都有超巨黑洞。

6.Hubble's abipty to see into deep space has produced one of the most reveapng gpmpses of the early universe we have.哈勃的遥望外层空间的能力让我们能够看到早期宇宙的最真实情景之一。

7.The Virgo Cluster distance has been used to give an important determination of the Hubble Constant and the scale of the Universe.室女座星系群的距离被用作哈勃常数和宇宙尺度的一个重要定位。

8.How much did it cost to launch the Hubble telescope into space?将哈勃望远镜发射升空花费了多少钱?

9.This was one of the first and most spectacular data sets taken with Hubble's brand new wide-field Camera Three.这是哈勃望远镜以其崭新“第三代广域照相机”取得的首批最为厉害的数据之一。

10.Hubble found a hot, blue zone of star formation in the left-hand galaxy, caused by an ever-increasing storm of gravity from the other.根据“哈勃”的观测,左侧星系存在一个蓝色炽热恒星形成区,由来自另一个星系的引力不断增大所致。