

vegetable garden

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1.菜园 菜油[ rape oil] 菜园[ vegetable garden] 菜籽油[ rape oil] ...

2.蔬菜园 ... The Green Hut 可翻成 绿屋餐馆 Vegetable Garden 蔬菜园 All Kinds of Dies 各种模具(这不可能是地名 …

3.菜圃rait of Doctor Gachet) 、《菜圃》(Vegetable Garden) 、《邮差卢朗先生》(Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roupn) 、《向日 …

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5.菜地闲情 菜农新模样 my new face 菜地闲情 vegetable garden 五月点心书 cookies book ...

6.蔬果菜园 ... 「Vegetable Garden 蔬果菜园」。 「Ornamental Garden 爱之园」;被水池及蜿蜒水道 …

7.营地蔬菜园 ... 园中花篱——三角梅 Triangle plum 营地蔬菜园 Vegetable garden 园中花篱——美人蕉 Can…


1.And for me, one of the great stories recently was the Obamas digging up the south lawn of the White House to create a vegetable garden.对我来说,最近一个精彩的故事是奥巴马夫妇在白宫南草坪开辟蔬菜园地。

2.The new neighbors were a deaf-mute aged couple, whose vegetable garden was the best of the whole zone.新家的邻居是对聋哑夫妇,家里的菜园是整个街区最好的。

3.One day, his wife stood at the window to the garden looked and saw a very nice vegetable garden on the length of the lettuce.一天,妻子站在窗口向花园望去,看到一块菜地上长着非常漂亮的莴苣。

4.Ahab said to Naboth, 'Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace.亚哈对拿伯说,你将你的葡萄园给我作菜园,因为是靠近我的宫。

5.He built a sturdy brick house there to share with his wife and son, and planted a vegetable garden with radishes, beans and okra.他建了一座坚固的砖瓦房,与妻子和儿子住在一起。

6.He promised to use the money to build a playground for the children and cultivate a vegetable garden for their consumption .他表示将用这笔捐款为院童们建造游乐场,还要耕垦一个菜园,种菜给孩子们吃。

7.Baba and Ap had planted a small vegetable garden along the eastern wall: tomatoes, mint, peppers, and a row of corn that never really took.爸爸和阿里沿东墙开垦了一小块菜园子,里面种了西红柿、薄荷、辣椒和一排从不结果实的玉米。

8.Michelle Obama: One of the closing images of the show is of Michelle Obama's vegetable garden on the south lawn.奥巴马:展览的闭幕影片之一就是关于奥巴马在白宫南草坪的菜园。

9.They look more pke the brightly pt shelves of a chemists shop than the rows of a vegetable garden.它们看起来更像是化学商店里一排排灯火通明的货架,而不是蔬菜园里的一排排菜架。

10.Dawa Tshering, who depends on his two acres of rice paddy and a vegetable garden, says that for decades his farming was chemical free.达瓦·特舍玲,依靠他的两英亩水稻田与蔬菜园,已经几十年不使用任何化学品。