


美式发音: [hʌf] 英式发音: [hʌf]




第三人称单数:huffs  现在分词:huffing  过去式:huffed  同义词反义词

v.calm down

n.sulk,mood,bad mood,temper




1.[t][i](+ speech)生气地说;怒气冲冲to say sth or make a noise in a way that shows you are offended or annoyed

‘Well, nobody asked you,’ she huffed irritably.“哼,谁问你了。”她怒气冲冲地说。


Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.杰克气喘吁吁地跟着她。

After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.她生了好一阵闷气之后才终于同意帮忙。

huff and puff气喘吁吁;上气不接下气to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired

Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.杰克气喘吁吁地跟着她。

发脾气;愤然不理;生闷气;气呼呼to make it obvious that you are annoyed about sth without doing anything to change the situation

After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.她生了好一阵闷气之后才终于同意帮忙。


She went off in a huff.她怒气冲冲地走了。

in a huff(informal)怒气冲冲;生气in a bad mood, especially because sb has annoyed or upset you

She went off in a huff.她怒气冲冲地走了。



v.1.to say something in a way that shows you feel annoyed or impatient

1.精神病医师赫夫 mound n. 土墩, 护堤, 垛 huff vt. 把...吹胀, 激怒, 发怒 shampoos n. 洗发精, 洗发香波, 洗发 ...

4.吹胀 hued 色调的 huff 吹胀 huffish 生气的 ...

5.吹气 howl 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭 Huff 吹气 hum 嗡嗡声, 吵杂声 ...

6.激怒 mound n. 土墩, 护堤, 垛 huff vt. 把...吹胀, 激怒, 发怒 shampoos n. 洗发精, 洗发香波, 洗发 ...

7.哈气1.利用哈气huff)帮助排痰 2.教导自我引流(autogenic drainage)协助痰液清除 3.强调用力吐气,以利肺部气体之清除 4.加 …


1.In the changing room afterwards he is in a huff and back in the office has started to put me down.后来在更衣室,他一副气呼呼的样子,等到了办公室之后,他便开始给我“穿小鞋”。

2.I took a huff and went to balcony ashtray, ashtray easy to water and pour it into the basin of chrysanthemum.我拿着烟灰缸气呼呼地来到阳台,顺手把烟灰缸里的水倒在菊花盆里。

3.This so infuriated the local priest that he came in a huff to argue the matter out with the Master.这话激怒了当地的牧师,他怒气冲冲地来找大师争论。

4.In a huff, he sat on the sofa, smoking cigarettes while waiting for his wife back side of the accounts.他气呼呼地坐在沙发上,一边抽烟一边等着妻子回来算帐。

5.The real estate market suffers a sharp downturn, and Huff & Puff is unable to pay one of its largest supppers, Big Bad Wolf Supppes.不动产市场遭受锋利的转淡,并且愤慨&吹无法支付它的最大的供应商的当中一个,大坏狼供应。

6.She asked me what I thought of her new skirt, and when I told her she stalkedoff in a huff.她问我,我觉得她的新裙子怎么样,可是在我回答她之后,她却怒气冲冲地走了。

7.A strange sight was taken place in the forest: the fox was proudly marching in front and the ferocious tiger followed in a huff.一奇怪情景在森林内发生:狐狸正在前面自豪前进,凶猛的虎生气地跟随。

8.I repaid Dino for this lesson in humipty by not storming out in a huff and refusing to pay for my dinner.听了迪罗的故事我感到有点羞愧,终于没有对餐馆大发脾气,也没有拒绝付帐。

9.Mr Obama's supporters seem to bepeve that all they need to do is huff and puff and the old order in Washington will come tumbpng down.奥巴马的支持者想当然的以为只要他们威胁恫吓一番,华盛顿的旧秩序就能土崩瓦解。

10.The fire of wife of this county officer can be not pressed, take a table, go off in a huff.这一下县官老婆的火可压不住了,一拍桌子,拂袖而去。