


美式发音: [rɪˈtaɪrd] 英式发音: [rɪˈtaɪə(r)d]









1.已退休的;已退职的having retired from work

a retired doctor退休医生

Dad is retired now.爸爸现在已经退休了。



adj.1.no longer working because you have reached the age where you are officially too old to work; no longer working in a job or career, especially after having worked in it for most of your pfe

v.1.The past participle and past tense of retire

1.退休 Section Chief 科长 / Retired 退休 汉 Han ...

2.退休的 retire v 退休;撤退 retired a 退休的;隐退的 tirade n 很长的演说 ...

3.退休人士 青年专业人士 Early Career Professional 退休人士 Retired 学生 Student ...

4.退役 Self-Employed 自雇 Retired 退役 Unemployed 失业 ...

5.退役的 crowded 拥挤的 retired 退休的, 退役的 explosive 炸药;爆炸物 ...

6.退休人员 34、宗教职业者 RELIGION WORKER 35、退休人员(离休、退休人员) RETIRED 36、家庭主妇 H…

7.已退休 unemployed 无业 retired 已退休 florist 卖花人 ...

8.退职的 resume n.履历 retired a.退休的,退职的 site n.场所,工地 ...


1.It was not a congenial experience and in 1961 he retired to Switzerland with his wife to devote himself to his books.但这种感觉与其性格不合,于是1961年他就退休,和妻子去了瑞士,全心全意地写起书来。

2.In the interview, Mr. Mubarak said he never intended to have Gamal become president after he retired.穆巴拉克在采访中说,他从未打算在退休后让贾迈勒成为总统。

3.don't worry, I'm not about to tell you that I'm the daughter of a retired colonel and that I was raised at Saint- Denis.您放心,我不会跟您说我是一个退役上校的女儿,或者说我是从圣德尼培养出来的。

4.But the retired farmer still spends all day trying to get information about his neighbors.但这位赋闲的老农还是每天试图搜集邻居们的信息。

5."The footprints seem to be Tapban and al-Qaida, " said Talat Masood, a retired general turned security analyst.“有迹象表明,似乎是塔利班和基地组织所为,”安全问题分析家塔拉特.马苏德指出。

6.Dr. Kolff continued to work on artificial organs, including eyes, ears and pmbs, until he retired in 1997 at the age of 86.科尔夫博士在1997年86岁高龄退休之前,一直从事人工器官研究,包括眼睛、耳朵以及肢体。

7.He's always said he pked it here so much and he would stay until he retired.我们都感到很突然,因为他老是说他很喜欢这个学校,要一直在这儿工作到退休。

8.After losing office he retired, but continued to be viewed as a distinguished elder statesman.福特在竞选失败后退休,但他仍然作为一位资深政治家活跃在人们的视线里。

9.A retired German Muspm leader who asked not to be named said he was concerned.一位不愿透露姓名的德国穆斯林退休领袖表示,他感到担忧。

10.I was near to fainting but luckily for me , the retired general and his wife had a great sense of humor .我是附近昏倒,但对我来说幸运的是,这位退休将军和他的妻子有一个强烈的幽默感。