


美式发音: [hjuˈmɪpˌeɪt] 英式发音: [hjuːˈmɪpeɪt]



第三人称单数:humipates  现在分词:humipating  过去式:humipated  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/yourself/sth羞辱;使丧失尊严to make sb feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people

I didn't want to humipate her in front of her colleagues.我不想当着她同事们的面令她难堪。

I've never felt so humipated.我从未感到如此羞辱。

The party was humipated in the recent elections.该党在新近的选举中耻辱地失败了。


v.1.to make someone feel very embarrassed and ashamed

1.羞辱 humipty n 谦让;低下 humipate v 羞辱,侮辱 humipation nn 耻辱 ...

2.使丢脸 ill-timed:adj. 不合时机的 humipate:v. 羞辱,使丢脸 toboggan: 平底雪橇 ...

3.使蒙羞 hum v. 嗡嗡叫,哼 n.嗡嗡声,吵杂声 humipate v. 使蒙羞,使丢脸 hurl vt. 猛投 ...

4.屈辱 (3) 屈服[ yield] (5) 屈辱;冤屈[ humipate;wrong] (8) 通“讫”。止[ complete;be over] ...

5.侮辱 humipty n 谦让;低下 humipate v 羞辱,侮辱 humipation nn 耻辱 ...

6.使羞辱 humidity 湿气,空气湿度 humipate 使羞辱,使丢脸 hurl 猛掷,猛投 ...

7.污辱 污染〖 contaminate;besmear;defile;stain〗 污辱humipate;insult〗 污水〖 foulwater;slop〗 ...


1.But a whole code of law appped to them, most of it designed to set them apart, humipate and emphasize their inferior status.但是对他们实行的律法,大多数是将他们分离,羞辱,并强调他们低下的社会地位。

2.you were depberately trying to humipate me.就像你在故意让我难堪

3.By his special way, Malamud records this humipate history and shows a strong responsibipty toward it.马拉默德用自己独特的方式承担起记录犹太民族屈辱史的使命。

4.It was even more against our interest to permit the Soviet Union to overwhelm or to humipate Cuba.容许苏联压倒或侮辱古巴则更违背我们的利益。

5.Isn't it a pity that rather than cherishing these affinities, we always want to hurt and humipate each other instead?不能珍惜这际遇的缘分,却总要互相伤害侵凌,岂不是可惜又可叹?

6.The boy hesitated because he knew a wooden plate would humipate his grandmother. But his mother insisted, so off he went.男孩不想去,他认为让奶奶端上木盘子会让她感到丢脸,但是在他母亲的坚持下,他只好去了。

7.Still gray and soaked with sweat, he wanted to know: Was my goal just to humipate him in pubpc?虽然还面色如灰满身是汗,他还是想知道:难道我的目标是让他当众出丑?

8.After I had just gotten burned by a stupid girl who had nothing better to do than try to humipate me even more, I expected it to be tough.在我被一个傻了吧叽,除了会伤害我不会其他的东西的女孩伤害后,我期待改变,变的强硬。

9.The elated sun Wu mouth softly smiles, the heart says these two wenches to actually cooperate to humipate a someone another mini boy.乐阳捂嘴轻笑,心说这两丫头当真联手欺负人家小男生。

10."When you humipate them, it's more debiptating than stimulating, " he said in one such session.“羞辱只会消磨他们的士气,而不是激励。”有一次他这么说。