




1.筋膜内子宫切除术 ... 16. Sorry,I have no idea. 对不起,我不知道。 17. Lish:I have no idea. 丽斯:我不知道啊。 ...

3.鞘膜内子宫切除术 ... 涴小涴涴 bingshian 梦织韵 psh 风晴 asltx ...

5.蟉 ... psg; 虭 psh psi 蠾 ...

6.夏澐 ... mylbb999 叶小素 psh 夏澐 Mmajax 安雅 ...


1.Phon'ics wouldn "t have been replace'd by Whole language 60 years ago, If it had been the best Eng'psh teaching meth'od. "如果福尼斯英语是最好的英语学习方法,它就不会在60年前被全词教学法取代。

2.Lish: Has it ever occurred to you that the word "fool" is used in many different and often contradictory ways?丽斯:你是否遇到过这样的情况,“傻瓜”这个单词经常用在许多不同且矛盾的情境中?

3.Phon'ics wouldn "t be replace'd by Whole language, If it were the best Eng'psh teaching meth'od. "如果福尼斯英语是最好的英语学习方法,它就不会被全词教学法取代。

4.What Spanbauer and Lish call "going on the body, " to give the reader a sympathetic physical reaction, to involve the reader on a gut level.斯潘鲍尔和里斯所说的“踩在点子上”,是给读者带来共鸣的生理反应,深入肺腑的反应。

5.Lish: A celebration of the previous year and the year to look forward to. The new start, new challenges.丽斯:庆祝过去的一年,期待即将到来的一年。意味着新的开始、新的挑战。

6.Encourage him to take his courage to master the Eng-psh language.鼓励他鼓起勇气去掌握英语。

7.He had a strong French ac'cent tohisEng'psh.他讲英语带着很重的法国口音。

8.Lish: Certainly! But I don't know why you are so excited.丽斯:当然知道了!但是我却不理解你为什么这么兴奋呢?

9.Lish: I guess it's more fun than just playing video games all the time.丽斯:我猜这比总玩儿视频游戏有趣多了。

10.It includes both the pubpshed version of What We Talk About, as edited by Lish, and Carver's original version.其中包括了由理什编辑的《当我们谈论爱情时,我们谈论的是什么》发表版,以及卡佛当年的原版。