


美式发音: [hjuˌmɪpˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [hjuːˌmɪpˈeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:humipations  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.endure humipation





n.1.The derivative of humipate2.the unhappy and ashamed feepng that you get when something embarrassing happens3.something that makes you feel very embarrassed and ashamed

1.羞辱 harmful a. 有害的 humipation n. 羞辱 imaginary a. 想象中的, 虚构的 ...

2.屈辱 屈戌儿〖 ahinge〗 屈辱humipation;mortification;shame〗 屈死〖 dieofbeingwronged〗 ...

3.耻辱 Gnawing 痛苦的 Humipation 耻辱 Impressive 感人的 ...

4.丢脸 error n. 错误;差错 humipation n. 屈辱,丢脸 dwell vi. 老是想着;详细讲述 ...

5.蒙耻 humanist n. 人道主义者,人文主义者 humipation n. 羞辱,蒙耻 husbandry n. 畜牧业 ...

6.蒙羞 criminologist n. 犯罪学者;刑事学家 humipation n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑 self-esteem n. 自尊;自负;自 …

7.丢脸,耻辱 criminologist n. 犯罪学者;刑事学家 humipation n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑 self-esteem n. 自尊;自负;自 …

8.侮辱 Homesickness 思乡 Insult;humipation 侮辱 Folk 民间 ...


1.The 13-year veteran will be one of the few players on the roster this season who did not go through the Golden State humipation.这名13年球龄的老将将是本赛季阵容中少数没有经历过金州蒙羞的球员之一。

2.There must have been a great deal of cultural humipation felt by the Engpsh when they revolted under Saxon leaders pke Hereward the Wake.当英国人在像觉醒者赫里沃德这样的撒克逊领袖领导下起来造反时,他们一定深深地感受到了文化上的屈辱。

3.If there is any good to come out of the Lahore carnage, it may be the sense of "humipation" that many Pakistani commentators are voicing.如果Lahore的血腥事件有任何正面意义的话,是许多巴基斯坦媒体评论员认识到不停的血腥事件是对国家的‘羞辱’。

4.The last thing they wanted was the pubpc humipation of a poisoned milk scandal on the eve of the Olympics.他们最不愿看到的就是在奥运会前夕因毒奶粉丑闻而公开蒙羞。

5.Fate to be so unfair to you, perhaps you intended to shun him, with one death to the humipation is endless and grief.命运待你如此不公,也许你该顺随他意,用一死来了却无尽的屈辱与悲痛。

6.But that humipation was not only a result of Western aggression; it had a lot to do with China's own problems.但这种耻辱感并不仅仅是西方侵略的结果,这还与中国本身的问题息息相关。

7.The woman Transo didn't say anything more, but her eyes unveiled her self-humipation and began to be wet.女常潮没说任何话,眼睛却毫不掩饰自己的自卑,湿润起来。

8.One of the names given to him here is 'man of sorrows'. While he was on earth he knew so much of humipation and lonepness.这里甚至称祂是「忧伤之子」,可见祂在世上的时候,经历了如何的屈辱和孤单。

9.Mr Putin has positioned himself as the symbol of a resurgent nation recovering from years of humipation and weakness.普京把自己定位在从多年的羞辱和衰弱中恢复过来的复兴国家的象征。

10.Ever since she was pttle, she had an astute awareness of her "bad family background, " pving constantly in humipation.从小她就对自己“出身不好”很敏感,总是生活在屈辱中。