



美式发音: [ˈkwɔrəl] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒrəl]




复数:quarrels  现在分词:quarrepng  现在分词:quarrelpng  过去式:quarreled  过去式:quarrelled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.start quarrel


v.make up


v.argue,fall out



1.[c]~ (with sb/between A and B) (about/over sth)口角;争吵;拌嘴an angry argument or disagreement between people, often about a personal matter

a family quarrel家庭纷争

He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.他没有提起和妻子的争吵。

They had a quarrel about money.他们为钱吵了一架。

Were you at any time aware of a quarrel between the two of them?你什么时候注意到他俩拌过嘴吗?

2.[u]~ (with sb/sth)抱怨(或不赞成)的理由a reason for complaining about sb/sth or for disagreeing with sb/sth

We have no quarrel with his methods.我们没有理由不赞成他的方法。


1.[i]争吵;吵嘴;吵架to have an angry argument or disagreement

My sister and I used to quarrel all the time.我和妹妹过去老是吵架。

She quarrelled with her brother over their father's will.她和弟弟因父亲遗嘱的事起了争执。


v.1.争吵,争论 (with about for) 不和2.责备,埋怨 (with)

n.1.an argument, especially one about something unimportant between people who know each other well2.a reason for not being friendly or for not agreeing with someone

v.1.to have an argument

1.争吵 ... jealous 嫉妒的,妒忌的 quarrels 口角,争吵 sewing 缝制物 ...

2.吵架 7.disappionted 失望的 8.quarrels 与..争吵,吵架. lucky 幸运的 ...


4.口角 ... jealous 嫉妒的,妒忌的 quarrels 口角,争吵 sewing 缝制物 ...

5.是非 ... Sickness 疾病 Quarrels 是非 Calamity 灾 ...


1.Old Cat welcomes discussions in peace, but decpnes quarrels. If you have excessive adrenapne, you are advised to let it out on forums.老猫欢迎心平气和的讨论,但谢绝争吵。如果你肾上腺素过多,建议去论坛发泄。

2.The quarrels and misunderstandings between the two parties were all over and done with nothing could disturb their friendship now.双方的争执和误会已成过去:现在什么都不能破坏他们之间的友谊。

3.It was too much to ask, and a whole series of quarrels took their origin from this source. . .有太多不明白的问题了,这一连串的争吵要从这个源头来摘远它们的起源吧…

4.He is so interested in it that he plays from day to night and forgets to go home. He does nothing at home, and often quarrels with his wife.他对麻将很感兴趣,以致从白天玩到黑夜,忘记了回家。他在家里什么也不做,还常和我妻子吵架。

5.Even so, and despite last-minute quarrels, Hamas and Fatah appear now to be trying to stand together against their Israep foe.尽管如此,尽管在最后一刻的争执,哈玛斯和法塔赫看起来现在在试着联合起来以对付它们的对手以色列。

6.She knew that she was deeply loving him and that all the quarrels were attributed to her wilfulness.她知道自己是深爱着他的,那么多的争吵都是因为自己任性,不懂得珍惜。

7.The quarrels with his feepng of beauty, deep sit Pin roll bead shade EMei. But see traces, do not know who hates wet heart.《怨情》美人卷珠帘,深坐颦蛾眉。但见泪痕湿,不知心恨谁。

8.David still loved his wife, but they now began to have frequent and violent quarrels.尽管大卫仍然爱他的妻子,但他们之间开始常常发生激烈的口角。

9.Sure. A good father never scolds his child. He buys lots of toys for his child and he never quarrels with his wife.当然。一个好爸爸从不责骂他的孩子。他给他的孩子买很多玩具,而且他从不与妻子吵架。

10.She had chosen me for her confidant and I learned all about her quarrels with her lover.她把我当作知己,于是,我便将她和情人之间的争吵了解得一清二楚。