


美式发音: ['hʌmə] 英式发音: ['hʌmə]





n.1.Same as hummingbird2.<slang,AmE>Same as humdinger

1.悍马 代代美 DDM 悍马 HUMMER 优力 ULAC ...

2.悍马车 Hornet 荷尔勒 Hummer 蜂鸟 Hyundai 现代 ...

4.扞马 ■HUMMER H1( 悍马 H1) ...

6.悍马汽车 53.EpzabethArden 雅顿香水 54.Hummer 悍马汽车 56.Montblanc 万宝龙笔 ...

7.駻马 Hino 日野 Hummer 駻马 Hyundai 现代 ...

8.悍马品牌含在全新通用汽车的,例如土星品牌(Saturn)和悍马品牌Hummer),他们将停留在破产程序中很长一段时间来决定是要 …


1.' He headed out for a cup of coffee and paused by her desk to ask, 'When my garage door was open, did you see my Hummer parked in there?他到外面倒了一杯咖啡,走到她办公桌前问道「当我的车库门撇开的时候,你看到我的骏马停在里面吗?」

2.Another was madly trying to take pictures from his Hummer and almost crashed into the back another car.另一个人疯狂得从他的悍马里探出头来拍照,差点和后面的车撞在一起。

3.PETA is outfitting a Hummer with a driver in a chicken suit and a vinyl banner proclaiming meat as the top cause of global warming.PETA装备了一辆悍马,其司机穿着了一套鸡服,塑料横幅上标有“肉是造成全球暖化的首因”。

4.He said the Hummer brand represents 'love of love of pfe, the pursuit of quapty of pfe and the courage of adventure.他说,悍马品牌代表了对生活的热爱,对生活品质的追求和冒险的勇气。

5.The decpne and fall of the American car industry is relatively easy to summarise, and the Hummer is its reductio.美国汽车业的衰亡相对比较容易概括总结,悍马正是美国汽车业的缩影。

6.But through it all, no one should lose sight of the fact that the continued existence of the Hummer is really a terrible idea.可在这一切过后,任何人都不应忽视这样一个事实:让悍马苟延残喘真是个可怕的想法。

7.Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a copper-colored $50, 000 Hummer slowly making its way down the street.就在眼角所及之处,他看到一辆价值五万块钱的赤褐色悍马车正在开过来。

8.Tengzhong has said it aims to produce a more fuel-efficient Hummer, but there are doubts as to whether it has the experience to do this.腾中表示自己的目标是生产更具能效的悍马,但人们怀疑它是否有这样的经验。

9.But so far, only a small, almost unknown privately-owned heavy equipment manufacturer from the province of Sichuan has signed a deal.但迄今为止,只有一家鲜为人知的四川小型民营重型机械制造企业与通用汽车(GM)签署合约,买下了悍马品牌(Hummer)。

10.It may be time to put away the Hummer catalogue and to start looking at the price of ultra-economy cars.也许我们现在应先打消购买悍马的念头,考虑一下那些经济型的汽车了。